The CamachoLab Photonics Bootcamp, with support from Google.
This book can be viewed online.
If you wish to create a virtual Python environment for your book (recommended), you can do so:
conda create --name bootcamp python
conda activate bootcamp
python3 -m venv bootcamp
source bootcamp/bin/activate
Then, install the required packages:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
You can simply run from the toplevel directory
jb build book -all
The output will be located in book/_build/html. To serve it in your browser, navigate to that directory and start a simple Python server:
python -m http.server
Check out the file in chattutor_setup folder, or simply run
The majority of this book is written as Jupyter notebooks. Learn more about creating beautiful websites online at
When writing notebooks, if including images, it is best to reference a web address instead of a relative file in the repository. This way, when the notebook is downloaded independently, the links and images will not be broken.
JupyterBook by default runs all the notebooks within the repository when generating the site. Because many of the notebooks contain lengthy simulations that we don't want to run on the deployment server, this behavior has been turned off. Therefore, when pushing new notebooks to the repository, you should have already run the notebooks from top to bottom in a fresh kernel to ensure all the outputs (plots and results) are present.
By default, pushes or pull requests merged on "master" automatically trigger a build and deploy cycle.
Note that notebooks are only automatically executed remotely if there are any missing outputs for any cells. If you've run the notebooks locally when you've committed them, they will appear on the site as they are saved without rerunning.
We welcome and recognize all contributions. You can see a list of current contributors in the contributors tab.