JavaScript check for valid Equihash solutions. Ported from ZCASH on Python
ZCASH implementation:
npm install equihashjs-verify
Node version: >= 10. Older versions may work but not testable because mocha dropped the support.
var eq = require('equihashjs-verify')
var equihash = new eq.Equihash(eq.networks.bitcoingold)
var header = new Buffer(..., 'hex') // include nonce in the header
var solution = new Buffer(..., 'hex') // do not include byte size preamble "fd4005"
var valid = equihash.verify(header, solution)
//returns boolean
var eq = require('equihashjs-verify')
var equihash = new eq.Equihash(eq.networks.bitcoingold)
var header = new Buffer(..., 'hex') // nonce may not be included in the header
var solution = new Buffer(..., 'hex') // do not include byte size preamble "fd4005"
var nonce = new Buffer(..., 'hex')
var valid = equihash.verify(header, solution, nonce)
//returns boolean