Software PLC controlled over Web API
How often did you need a PLC for testing, but you had none?
This project aim to end you pain with test against PLC!
Build and Start the software (don't forget to copy the native library you need)
cd SoftPlc
dotnet restore
dotnet build
cp native\win\snap7.dll bin\x64\Debug\net6.0\snap7.dll
dotnet bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0\SoftPlc.dll --plcPort=102 --urls="http://localhost:8080/"
Pull the actual docker image for your platform see available tags and run it with the correct port binding. (Brand new MOBY support is included! Just select latest-win1809 tag.)
docker run -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -p 102:102 --name softplc fbarresi/softplc:latest-linux
Now you have:
a Simulated PLC listening at port 102 (see ISO-over-TCP protocol)
- by default, it starts without any data. If you need some preset data you can add
-e DATA_PATH=/demodata
to start with a single 2048 byte DataBlock. The data content is described here.
- by default, it starts without any data. If you need some preset data you can add
an API listening at http://localhost:8080/ (with Swagger included under http://localhost:8080/ ) in which you can add, read, modify and delete as many datablocks as you want
Check my other repository Sharp7 or Sharp7Reactive
Whould you like to contribute? YES, Please! Just fork/star/watch this repo and submit a pull request!
This software uses Snap7 as PLC server implementation. For info please visit the official page: