Country code (3166-1 alpha-2) to Continent code/name mappings used by the Brixtol Textiles internal API when dealing with Localization and i18n operations.
Mappings returned in the English Language.
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pnpm add @brixtol/country-continent
npm install @brixtol/country-continent
yarn add @brixtol/country-continent
You can pass in a 2 letter country code that is lowercase, uppercase or a mixture of both.
import { getContinentCode, getContinentName } from '@brixtol/country-continent';
const sweden = getContinentName('SE'); // Europe
const russia = getContinentName('ru'); // Asia
const usa = getContinentName('uS'); // North America
const australia = getContinentCode('AU'); // OC
The module also exposes the raw mappings and interface on the export. The mappings object is provided read only using Object.freeze. In addition to the raw mappings a ISO code union export is also exposed.
import { IContinents, ContinentCodes, ContinentNames } from '@brixtol/country-continent';
// Mapping Object
ContinentCodes.SE; // EU
ContinentNames.SE; // Europe
ContinentCodes.NL; // EU
ContinentNames.NL; // Europe
ContinentCodes.RU; // AS
ContinentNames.RU; // Asia
// Interface
IContinents.SE; // EU
IContinents.NL; // EU
IContinents.RU; // AS
The interface is identical to the mapping
Static GeoIP utility
Country code to currency code mappings:
Currency code to currency symbol mappings:
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