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@epignatelli epignatelli released this 12 Jul 15:39



  • Environment_oM: Changed Gains properties to better match what engineers would expect to see
  • Added Interface for Fragments to Base oM
  • Added FragmentProperties to Base oM object
  • Removed Fragment prototype from Environment objects to avoid clashes with base objects
  • Geometry_oM: IElement parent interface for IElement0D, IElement1D and IElement2D added to allow the methods work on objects having different number of dimensions
  • Deprecated several classes in BH.oM.Structure, BH.oM.Common and BH.oM.Architecture. See issue 502.
  • Environment_oM: Return space Location Point back to Environment Space
  • Geometry_oM: Added BoundingBox Operator NullCheck to prevent crashes in the UI
  • Reflection_oM: Added the DoNotExpose attribute to allow flagging methods, constructor, fields and properties that we do not want to expose to the UIs.


  • Minor refactor of the File_Adapter: check for extension, renaming of input
  • Added a check in the Push method to trigger the Read() only when it's needed (pushed geometries have a tag and a comparer)


  • Add support for Exploding multiple types on same output name
  • The menu for CreateObject component now lists non-BHoM objects in NonBHoMObjects instead of Engine
  • The CreateQuery component only exposes methods from the Create class, thus appearing just once in the global menu
  • The component-local menu and the global search menu are now aligned to show consistent content.
  • Now consistently hiding, from both the global and the local menu, any reflected object that is either deprecated or not implemented.
  • Rename Queries into Requests
  • Include interface types into the CreateTypes component
  • Add keyboard control to SearchMenu
  • Improving output names and descrition for Adapter operation components


  • Added US Data.


  • Rename Queries into Requests


  • Added compatibility with ETABSv17
  • Reading of Etabs Meshes implemented. First rough implementation of reading meshStresses.


  • Use more complete namespaces for Formula names
  • Improve startup performances
  • Fix occasional crash on exit
  • Fix Create methods with non-BHoM return types being misfiled
  • Add GlobalSearchMenu
  • Cache inputs for method calls to prevent multiple calls with same parameters
  • Rename Queries into Requests
  • Automatically calculate sheets in which a BHoM function has been used


  • Undefined material is now Pulled as a tentative steel material to avoid interrupting the process. A warning is issued when this happens.


  • Preview does not slow down grasshopper with Big Data
  • The IObject parameter now has the option to either display a maximum number of objects or completely disable the preview
  • Grasshopper now doesn't crash if the bhom geometry pipeline fails
  • Rename Queries into Requests
  • Solving problem of CustomObject component running twice


(No changelog for this beta)


  • Rename Queries into Requests
  • Add description for the constructors of the Mongo adapter and their inputs/outputs


  • Storeys are now created independently and are now required for Pushing any object unless they already exist in the model. Other objects (bards, floors) are snapped to specific storey; walls have bottom and top snapped to their respective storey.


  • Convert.ToBHoM(NurbsSurface) now preserves domain information
  • Fixed Convert.ToRhino(PanelPlanar) breaks on null
  • Adding basis to non-equivalent rhino types for when converting from BHoM. Rhino plane can still be used as input for methods wanting a basis.


  • Loads with no (zero) value are not pushed.
  • Corrected bug with exports of outstands for box section convert
  • Corrected bug when Pulling bars that could lead to crash for some edge cases.


  • Rename Queries into Requests


  • Updated gains to meet BHoM
  • Changed how panel edges are made to remove redundant points
  • Changed pulling floating point numbers to be rounded to 3dp


  • Corrected bug that made ConstructionID query fail if the construction was null.
  • Fixed pull error when pulling from an XML file without constructions
  • Added some missing descriptions on components
  • Fixed ability to pull constructions for panels for gbXML
  • Fixed PanelType being pulled correctly when going from gbXML to BHoM
  • Fixed connected spaces being set correctly when going from gbXML to BHoM
  • Changed Panel IDs to not include hyphens or spaces
  • Changed material export to work with current IES implementations.