8.0 Deployment #87
8.0 Deployment #87
Check Serialisation
The Serialisation result recorded a pass with warnings.
There are no Serialisation errors across this repository or its dependencies but a few warnings being raised by the system seen below.Original result:
Serialisation of Methods via json: 3344 methods available. 0 errors and 0 warnings reported.
Serialisation of Types via json: 1114 types available. 0 errors and 0 warnings reported.
develop result:
Serialisation of Methods via json: 3411 methods available. 0 errors and 0 warnings reported.
Serialisation of Objects via json: 850 types of objects available in BH.oM. 0 errors and 3 warnings reported.
Serialisation of Types via json: 1156 types available. 0 errors and 0 warnings reported.
Inner results:
Warning: Failed to create a dummy object of type BH.oM.Search.SearchResult<BH.oM.Search.T>.
Inner results:
Failed to generate object for type
Warning: Failed to compare objects of type BH.oM.Data.Collections.Table.
Inner results:
Crashed when trying to compare objects.
Indexer must have a corresponding Count property that is an integer for object Data.DefaultView[0]
Warning: Failed to create a dummy object of type BH.oM.ExtraProcess.BotTestResult.
Inner results:
Failed to generate object for type BH.oM.ExtraProcess.BotTestResult