MLZ-Edge - v2022.02.0
This is the first release of the MLZ-Edge solution. This initial release is a derivative of the Mission Landing Zone solution adapted to be compatible with Azure Stack Hub.
What this release includes:
- Includes code to build a deployment container image
- Deploys MLZ hub & spoke architecture
- Deploys a F5 BIG-IP VE NVA in the hub
- Deploys a Windows 2019 management VM in the hub
- Includes scripts documentation to configure the F5 BIG-IP VE NVA
- Includes code & documentation for applying STIG settings to Windows VMs
Tested Clouds
- Azure Commercial ✔️
- F5 BIG-IP version 16.0.101000
- Azure Stack Hub v2102 connected to Azure Commercial ✔️
- F5 BIG-IP version 16.0.101000
- Azure Stack Hub v2102 disconnected ✔️
- F5 BIG-IP version 16.0.101000
- Azure Government ✔️
- F5 BIG-IP version 15.1.400000
Known Issues
- When deploying on Azure Stack, the virtual network peerings may not full establish during the deployment
- Mitigation: Via the portal, delete the effected peering and manually recreate the peer