Releases: Azure/azure-storage-ios
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.2.6
Fixed thread-safety issue related to NSDateFormatter.
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.2.5
Fixed nullability issue on UploadFromData of AZSCloudBlockBlob
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.2.4
This minor release added the header files related to get/set service properties to the main header AZSClient.h
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.2.3
- Added new feature: Get/Set Service Properties
- Fixed the ASL redefinition problem when installing from Cocoapod
- Updated the sample project to use the latest Swift 3.1
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.2.2
This release fixes a build warning that only occurs on the latest versions of XCode / iOS.
64-bit range class
This is a bugfix release on top of the 0.2.0 release, which fixes warnings related to integer size.
Some blobs can be more than 2^32 bytes long, which means that 32-bit integers cannot index into them fully. NSRange is 32-bit on some platforms. This release adds a new 'AZSULLRange' struct, which is guaranteed to be 64-bit on all platforms. NSRange overloads are still included for convenience.
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.2.0
This release adds some new functionality to the Blob Service, including additional SAS support and support for Page and Append blobs. There are also bug fixes, fixing the non-modular header issue when using a CocoaPod and adding bitcode to the build output.
Important The name of the framework and the name of the global header have changed. From:
Azure Storage Client Library/Azure Storage Client Library.h
You will need to update your references accordingly.
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS 0.1.2
This is a combination of two bug fixes. First, it changes the framework build script to be more robust - you no longer have to explicitly build the library before building the framework target. Second, it fixes a potential race condition
in the library, where a request can hang forever, never calling the callback with the request result.
This release is a small update since v0.1.0, mostly making fixes so that the library will compile using the iOS 9.0.
README update and adding schemes.