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Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 7855 (#34857)
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* Pipeline template to validate package and update package work item

* Changes to restructure validations

* Additional fixes as per comments

* Remove explicit exit code

* Set erroractionpreference for change log check


Co-authored-by: Praveen Kuttappan <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
azure-sdk and praveenkuttappan authored Mar 27, 2024
1 parent 8ba087e commit eef8ad6
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Showing 7 changed files with 447 additions and 34 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/validate-all-packages.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
ArtifactPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
Artifacts: []
ConfigFileDir: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/PackageInfo

- ${{ if and(ne(variables['Skip.PackageValidation'], 'true'), eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal')) }}:
- pwsh: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SetAsReleaseBuild]false"
displayName: "Set as release build"
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetAsReleaseBuild'], ''))
- task: Powershell@2
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/scripts/Validate-All-Packages.ps1
arguments: >
-ArtifactList ('${{ convertToJson(parameters.Artifacts) }}' | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object Name)
-ArtifactPath ${{ parameters.ArtifactPath }}
-RepoRoot $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
-APIKey $(azuresdk-apiview-apikey)
-ConfigFileDir '${{ parameters.ConfigFileDir }}'
-BuildDefinition $(System.CollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build?definitionId=$(System.DefinitionId)
-PipelineUrl $(System.CollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/results?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)
-Devops_pat '$(azuresdk-azure-sdk-devops-release-work-item-pat)'
-IsReleaseBuild $$(SetAsReleaseBuild)
pwsh: true
workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
displayName: Validate packages and update work items
continueOnError: true
condition: >-
not(endsWith(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], '-pr'))
73 changes: 52 additions & 21 deletions eng/common/scripts/ChangeLog-Operations.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,14 +138,27 @@ function Confirm-ChangeLogEntry {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[boolean]$ForRelease = $false,
[PSCustomObject]$ChangeLogStatus = $null

if (!$ChangeLogStatus) {
$ChangeLogStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{
IsValid = $false
Message = ""
else {
# Do not stop the script on error when status object is passed as param
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
$changeLogEntries = Get-ChangeLogEntries -ChangeLogLocation $ChangeLogLocation
$changeLogEntry = $changeLogEntries[$VersionString]

if (!$changeLogEntry) {
LogError "ChangeLog[${ChangeLogLocation}] does not have an entry for version ${VersionString}."
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "ChangeLog[${ChangeLogLocation}] does not have an entry for version ${VersionString}."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"
return $false

Expand All @@ -161,24 +174,28 @@ function Confirm-ChangeLogEntry {
Write-Host "-----"

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($changeLogEntry.ReleaseStatus)) {
LogError "Entry does not have a correct release status. Please ensure the status is set to a date '($CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT)' or '$CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED_STATUS' if not yet released. See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "Entry does not have a release status. Please ensure the status is set to a date '($CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT)' or '$CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED_STATUS' if not yet released. See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"
return $false

if ($ForRelease -eq $True)
LogDebug "Verifying as a release build because ForRelease parameter is set to true"
return Confirm-ChangeLogForRelease -changeLogEntry $changeLogEntry -changeLogEntries $changeLogEntries
return Confirm-ChangeLogForRelease -changeLogEntry $changeLogEntry -changeLogEntries $changeLogEntries -ChangeLogStatus $ChangeLogStatus

# If the release status is a valid date then verify like its about to be released
$status = $changeLogEntry.ReleaseStatus.Trim().Trim("()")
if ($status -as [DateTime])
LogDebug "Verifying as a release build because the changelog entry has a valid date."
return Confirm-ChangeLogForRelease -changeLogEntry $changeLogEntry -changeLogEntries $changeLogEntries
return Confirm-ChangeLogForRelease -changeLogEntry $changeLogEntry -changeLogEntries $changeLogEntries -ChangeLogStatus $ChangeLogStatus

$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "ChangeLog[${ChangeLogLocation}] has an entry for version ${VersionString}."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $true
return $true

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,41 +355,53 @@ function Confirm-ChangeLogForRelease {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ChangeLogStatus = $null

if (!$ChangeLogStatus) {
$ChangeLogStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{
IsValid = $false
Message = ""
$entries = Sort-ChangeLogEntries -changeLogEntries $changeLogEntries

$isValid = $true
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $true
if ($changeLogEntry.ReleaseStatus -eq $CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED_STATUS) {
LogError "Entry has no release date set. Please ensure to set a release date with format '$CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT'. See for more info."
$isValid = $false
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "Entry has no release date set. Please ensure to set a release date with format '$CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT'. See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"
else {
$status = $changeLogEntry.ReleaseStatus.Trim().Trim("()")
try {
$releaseDate = [DateTime]$status
if ($status -ne ($releaseDate.ToString($CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT)))
LogError "Date must be in the format $($CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT). See for more info."
$isValid = $false
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "Date must be in the format $($CHANGELOG_DATE_FORMAT). See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"

if (@($entries.ReleaseStatus)[0] -ne $changeLogEntry.ReleaseStatus)
LogError "Invalid date [ $status ]. The date for the changelog being released must be the latest in the file."
$isValid = $false
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "Invalid date [ $status ]. The date for the changelog being released must be the latest in the file."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"
catch {
LogError "Invalid date [ $status ] passed as status for Version [$($changeLogEntry.ReleaseVersion)]. See for more info."
$isValid = $false
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "Invalid date [ $status ] passed as status for Version [$($changeLogEntry.ReleaseVersion)]. See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($changeLogEntry.ReleaseContent)) {
LogError "Entry has no content. Please ensure to provide some content of what changed in this version. See for more info."
$isValid = $false
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "Entry has no content. Please ensure to provide some content of what changed in this version. See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"

$foundRecommendedSection = $false
Expand All @@ -391,12 +420,14 @@ function Confirm-ChangeLogForRelease {
if ($emptySections.Count -gt 0)
LogError "The changelog entry has the following sections with no content ($($emptySections -join ', ')). Please ensure to either remove the empty sections or add content to the section."
$isValid = $false
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "The changelog entry has the following sections with no content ($($emptySections -join ', ')). Please ensure to either remove the empty sections or add content to the section."
$ChangeLogStatus.IsValid = $false
LogError "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"
if (!$foundRecommendedSection)
LogWarning "The changelog entry did not contain any of the recommended sections ($($RecommendedSectionHeaders -join ', ')), please add at least one. See for more info."
$ChangeLogStatus.Message = "The changelog entry did not contain any of the recommended sections ($($RecommendedSectionHeaders -join ', ')), please add at least one. See for more info."
LogWarning "$($ChangeLogStatus.Message)"
return $isValid
return $ChangeLogStatus.IsValid
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions eng/common/scripts/Helpers/ApiView-Helpers.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
function MapLanguageName($language)
function MapLanguageToRequestParam($language)
$lang = $language
# Update language name to match those in API cosmos DB. Cosmos SQL is case sensitive and handling this within the query makes it slow.
if($lang -eq 'javascript'){
$lang = "JavaScript"
elseif ($lang -eq "dotnet"){
$lang = "C#"
$lang = "C%23"
elseif ($lang -eq "java"){
$lang = "Java"
Expand All @@ -23,17 +23,12 @@ function MapLanguageName($language)
function Check-ApiReviewStatus($packageName, $packageVersion, $language, $url, $apiKey, $apiApprovalStatus = $null, $packageNameStatus = $null)
# Get API view URL and API Key to check status
Write-Host "Checking API review status"
$lang = MapLanguageName -language $language
Write-Host "Checking API review status for package: ${packageName}"
$lang = MapLanguageToRequestParam -language $language
if ($lang -eq $null) {
$headers = @{ "ApiKey" = $apiKey }
$body = @{
language = $lang
packageName = $packageName
packageVersion = $packageVersion

if (!$apiApprovalStatus) {
$apiApprovalStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{
Expand All @@ -51,7 +46,10 @@ function Check-ApiReviewStatus($packageName, $packageVersion, $language, $url, $

$response = Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers -Body $body
$requestUrl = "${url}?language=${lang}&packageName=${packageName}&packageVersion=${packageVersion}"
Write-Host "Request to APIView: [${requestUrl}]"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $requestUrl -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
Write-Host "Response: $($response.StatusCode)"
Process-ReviewStatusCode -statusCode $response.StatusCode -packageName $packageName -apiApprovalStatus $apiApprovalStatus -packageNameStatus $packageNameStatus
if ($apiApprovalStatus.IsApproved) {
Write-Host $($apiApprovalStatus.Details)
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/Helpers/DevOps-WorkItem-Helpers.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -985,4 +985,46 @@ function UpdatePackageVersions($pkgWorkItem, $plannedVersions, $shippedVersions)
-Uri "${id}?api-version=6.0" `
-Headers (Get-DevOpsRestHeaders) -Body $body -ContentType "application/json-patch+json" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable
return $response

function UpdateValidationStatus($pkgvalidationDetails, $BuildDefinition, $PipelineUrl)
$pkgName = $pkgValidationDetails.Name
$versionString = $pkgValidationDetails.Version

$parsedNewVersion = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::new($versionString)
$versionMajorMinor = "" + $parsedNewVersion.Major + "." + $parsedNewVersion.Minor
$workItem = FindPackageWorkItem -lang $LanguageDisplayName -packageName $pkgName -version $versionMajorMinor -includeClosed $true -outputCommand $false

if (!$workItem)
Write-Host"No work item found for package [$pkgName]."
return $false

$changeLogStatus = $pkgValidationDetails.ChangeLogValidation.Status
$changeLogDetails = $pkgValidationDetails.ChangeLogValidation.Message
$apiReviewStatus = $pkgValidationDetails.APIReviewValidation.Status
$apiReviewDetails = $pkgValidationDetails.APIReviewValidation.Message
$packageNameStatus = $pkgValidationDetails.PackageNameValidation.Status
$packageNameDetails = $pkgValidationDetails.PackageNameValidation.Message

$fields = @()
$fields += "`"PackageVersion=${versionString}`""
$fields += "`"ChangeLogStatus=${changeLogStatus}`""
$fields += "`"ChangeLogValidationDetails=${changeLogDetails}`""
$fields += "`"APIReviewStatus=${apiReviewStatus}`""
$fields += "`"APIReviewStatusDetails=${apiReviewDetails}`""
$fields += "`"PackageNameApprovalStatus=${packageNameStatus}`""
$fields += "`"PackageNameApprovalDetails=${packageNameDetails}`""
if ($BuildDefinition) {
$fields += "`"PipelineDefinition=$BuildDefinition`""
if ($PipelineUrl) {
$fields += "`"LatestPipelineRun=$PipelineUrl`""

$workItem = UpdateWorkItem -id $ -fields $fields
Write-Host "[$($]$LanguageDisplayName - $pkgName($versionMajorMinor) - Updated"
return $true
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions eng/common/scripts/Update-DevOps-Release-WorkItem.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ param(
[string]$packageNewLibrary = "true",
[string]$relatedWorkItemId = $null,
[string]$tag = $null,
[string]$devops_pat = $env:DEVOPS_PAT
[string]$devops_pat = $env:DEVOPS_PAT,
[bool]$inRelease = $true
#Requires -Version 6.0
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,8 +98,11 @@ Write-Host " PackageDisplayName: $($workItem.fields['Custom.PackageDisplayName'
Write-Host " ServiceName: $($workItem.fields['Custom.ServiceName'])"
Write-Host " PackageType: $($workItem.fields['Custom.PackageType'])"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Marking item [$($]$($workItem.fields['System.Title']) as '$state' for '$releaseType'"
$updatedWI = UpdatePackageWorkItemReleaseState -id $ -state "In Release" -releaseType $releaseType -outputCommand $false
if ($inRelease)
Write-Host "Marking item [$($]$($workItem.fields['System.Title']) as '$state' for '$releaseType'"
$updatedWI = UpdatePackageWorkItemReleaseState -id $ -state "In Release" -releaseType $releaseType -outputCommand $false
$updatedWI = UpdatePackageVersions $workItem -plannedVersions $plannedVersions

Write-Host "Release tracking item is at$($"
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/Validate-All-Packages.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Param (
[string]$APIViewUri = "",
[string]$Devops_pat = $env:DEVOPS_PAT,
[bool] $IsReleaseBuild = $false

Set-StrictMode -Version 3
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot common.ps1)

function ProcessPackage($PackageName, $ConfigFileDir)
Write-Host "Artifact path: $($ArtifactPath)"
Write-Host "Package Name: $($PackageName)"
Write-Host "Config File directory: $($ConfigFileDir)"

&$EngCommonScriptsDir/Validate-Package.ps1 `
-PackageName $PackageName `
-ArtifactPath $ArtifactPath `
-RepoRoot $RepoRoot `
-APIViewUri $APIViewUri `
-APIKey $APIKey `
-BuildDefinition $BuildDefinition `
-PipelineUrl $PipelineUrl `
-ConfigFileDir $ConfigFileDir `
-Devops_pat $Devops_pat
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Error "Failed to validate package $PackageName"
exit 1

# Check if package config file is present. This file has package version, SDK type etc info.
if (-not $ConfigFileDir) {
$ConfigFileDir = Join-Path -Path $ArtifactPath "PackageInfo"
foreach ($artifact in $ArtifactList)
Write-Host "Processing $($"
ProcessPackage -PackageName $ -ConfigFileDir $ConfigFileDir

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