5.0.0-beta.1 (2024-02-07)
- Added operation group SkuOperations
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginSampleInput
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginSampleInputAndWait
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestInput
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestInputAndWait
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestOutput
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestOutputAndWait
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestQuery
- Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestQueryAndWait
- Added operation Subscriptions.compileQuery
- Added Interface AggregateFunctionProperties
- Added Interface AzureDataExplorerOutputDataSource
- Added Interface AzureFunctionOutputDataSource
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceFunctionBinding
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceFunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceInputColumn
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceInputs
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceOutputColumn
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioFunctionBinding
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioFunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioInputColumn
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioInputs
- Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioOutputColumn
- Added Interface ClusterProperties
- Added Interface CompileQuery
- Added Interface CSharpFunctionBinding
- Added Interface CSharpFunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters
- Added Interface CustomClrSerialization
- Added Interface DeltaSerialization
- Added Interface EventGridStreamInputDataSource
- Added Interface External_2
- Added Interface FileReferenceInputDataSource
- Added Interface GatewayMessageBusOutputDataSource
- Added Interface GatewayMessageBusOutputDataSourceProperties
- Added Interface GatewayMessageBusSourceProperties
- Added Interface GatewayMessageBusStreamInputDataSource
- Added Interface GatewayMessageBusStreamInputDataSourceProperties
- Added Interface GetStreamingJobSkuResult
- Added Interface GetStreamingJobSkuResults
- Added Interface GetStreamingJobSkuResultSku
- Added Interface InputWatermarkProperties
- Added Interface LastOutputEventTimestamp
- Added Interface OutputWatermarkProperties
- Added Interface PostgreSQLDataSourceProperties
- Added Interface PostgreSQLOutputDataSource
- Added Interface PostgreSQLOutputDataSourceProperties
- Added Interface PrivateEndpointProperties
- Added Interface QueryCompilationError
- Added Interface QueryCompilationResult
- Added Interface QueryFunction
- Added Interface QueryInput
- Added Interface QueryTestingResult
- Added Interface RawOutputDatasource
- Added Interface RawReferenceInputDataSource
- Added Interface RawStreamInputDataSource
- Added Interface RefreshConfiguration
- Added Interface SampleInput
- Added Interface SampleInputResult
- Added Interface SkuCapacity
- Added Interface SkuListNextOptionalParams
- Added Interface SkuListOptionalParams
- Added Interface SubscriptionsCompileQueryOptionalParams
- Added Interface SubscriptionsSampleInputOptionalParams
- Added Interface SubscriptionsTestInputOptionalParams
- Added Interface SubscriptionsTestOutputOptionalParams
- Added Interface SubscriptionsTestQueryOptionalParams
- Added Interface TestDatasourceResult
- Added Interface TestInput
- Added Interface TestOutput
- Added Interface TestQuery
- Added Interface TestQueryDiagnostics
- Added Type Alias BlobWriteMode
- Added Type Alias EventGridEventSchemaType
- Added Type Alias InputWatermarkMode
- Added Type Alias OutputWatermarkMode
- Added Type Alias QueryTestingResultStatus
- Added Type Alias ResourceType
- Added Type Alias SampleInputResultStatus
- Added Type Alias SkuCapacityScaleType
- Added Type Alias SkuListNextResponse
- Added Type Alias SkuListResponse
- Added Type Alias SubscriptionsCompileQueryResponse
- Added Type Alias SubscriptionsSampleInputResponse
- Added Type Alias SubscriptionsTestInputResponse
- Added Type Alias SubscriptionsTestOutputResponse
- Added Type Alias SubscriptionsTestQueryResponse
- Added Type Alias TestDatasourceResultStatus
- Added Type Alias UpdatableUdfRefreshType
- Added Type Alias UpdateMode
- Interface AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface AzureSynapseDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface AzureSynapseOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface BlobDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface BlobOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter blobPathPrefix
- Interface BlobOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter blobWriteMode
- Interface BlobOutputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter blobPathPrefix
- Interface BlobOutputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter blobWriteMode
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter blobName
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter deltaPathPattern
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter deltaSnapshotRefreshRate
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter fullSnapshotRefreshRate
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter sourcePartitionCount
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter blobName
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter deltaPathPattern
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter deltaSnapshotRefreshRate
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter fullSnapshotRefreshRate
- Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter sourcePartitionCount
- Interface BlobStreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter properties
- Interface DocumentDbOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface EventHubDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter partitionCount
- Interface EventHubOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
- Interface EventHubStreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
- Interface EventHubStreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter prefetchCount
- Interface EventHubStreamInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter prefetchCount
- Interface EventHubV2OutputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
- Interface EventHubV2StreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
- Interface EventHubV2StreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter prefetchCount
- Interface FunctionProperties has a new optional parameter binding
- Interface FunctionProperties has a new optional parameter inputs
- Interface FunctionProperties has a new optional parameter output
- Interface FunctionsTestOptionalParams has a new optional parameter function
- Interface Identity has a new optional parameter userAssignedIdentities
- Interface InputProperties has a new optional parameter watermarkSettings
- Interface Output has a new optional parameter lastOutputEventTimestamps
- Interface Output has a new optional parameter watermarkSettings
- Interface PrivateEndpoint has a new optional parameter properties
- Interface Sku has a new optional parameter capacity
- Interface StorageAccount has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
- Interface StreamingJob has a new optional parameter externals
- Interface StreamingJob has a new optional parameter skuPropertiesSku
- Type of parameter type of interface FunctionBinding is changed from "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" to "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/CLRUdf" | "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices"
- Type of parameter type of interface FunctionProperties is changed from "Scalar" to "Scalar" | "Aggregate"
- Type of parameter bindingType of interface FunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters is changed from "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" to "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/CLRUdf"
- Type of parameter type of interface OutputDataSource is changed from "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.Storage/Table" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/DataWarehouse" | "Microsoft.Storage/DocumentDB" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Queue" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Topic" | "PowerBI" | "Microsoft.DataLake/Accounts" to "Raw" | "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.Storage/Table" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/DataWarehouse" | "Microsoft.DBForPostgreSQL/servers/databases" | "Microsoft.Storage/DocumentDB" | "Microsoft.AzureFunction" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Queue" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Topic" | "PowerBI" | "Microsoft.DataLake/Accounts" | "GatewayMessageBus" | "Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases"
- Type of parameter type of interface ReferenceInputDataSource is changed from "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database" to "File" | "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Raw" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database"
- Type of parameter type of interface Serialization is changed from "Parquet" | "Csv" | "Json" | "Avro" to "Delta" | "Parquet" | "CustomClr" | "Csv" | "Json" | "Avro"
- Type of parameter type of interface StreamInputDataSource is changed from "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs" to "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs" | "Raw" | "GatewayMessageBus" | "Microsoft.EventGrid/EventSubscriptions"
- Added Enum KnownBlobWriteMode
- Added Enum KnownEventGridEventSchemaType
- Added Enum KnownInputWatermarkMode
- Added Enum KnownOutputWatermarkMode
- Added Enum KnownQueryTestingResultStatus
- Added Enum KnownResourceType
- Added Enum KnownSampleInputResultStatus
- Added Enum KnownSkuCapacityScaleType
- Added Enum KnownTestDatasourceResultStatus
- Added Enum KnownUpdatableUdfRefreshType
- Added Enum KnownUpdateMode
- Enum KnownEventSerializationType has a new value CustomClr
- Enum KnownEventSerializationType has a new value Delta
Breaking Changes
- Interface AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource no longer has parameter table
- Interface Cluster no longer has parameter capacityAllocated
- Interface Cluster no longer has parameter capacityAssigned
- Interface Cluster no longer has parameter clusterId
- Interface Cluster no longer has parameter createdDate
- Interface Cluster no longer has parameter provisioningState
- Interface FunctionsTestOptionalParams no longer has parameter functionParam
- Interface PrivateEndpoint no longer has parameter createdDate
- Interface PrivateEndpoint no longer has parameter manualPrivateLinkServiceConnections
- Interface StreamAnalyticsManagementClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter apiVersion
- Class StreamAnalyticsManagementClient no longer has parameter apiVersion