Swagger changes for adding SPN, UAMI and SAMI credentials #28122
openapi-pipeline-app / SDK azure-sdk-for-js
Mar 19, 2024 in 7m 56s
SDK azure-sdk-for-js succeeded
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 02c2ea6b393a49d6870aeb59d8c7da111ff89db1. SDK Automation 14.0.0command sh .scripts/automation_init.sh ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json warn File azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read command sh .scripts/automation_generate.sh ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateOutput.json
@azure/arm-datafactory [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detectedinfo [Changelog] **Features** info [Changelog] info [Changelog] - Added Interface ExpressionV2 info [Changelog] - Added Interface GoogleBigQueryV2LinkedService info [Changelog] - Added Interface GoogleBigQueryV2ObjectDataset info [Changelog] - Added Interface GoogleBigQueryV2Source info [Changelog] - Added Interface PostgreSqlV2LinkedService info [Changelog] - Added Interface PostgreSqlV2Source info [Changelog] - Added Interface PostgreSqlV2TableDataset info [Changelog] - Added Interface ServiceNowV2LinkedService info [Changelog] - Added Interface ServiceNowV2ObjectDataset info [Changelog] - Added Interface ServiceNowV2Source info [Changelog] - Added Interface ServicePrincipalCredentialResource info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias ExpressionV2Type info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias GoogleBigQueryV2AuthenticationType info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias ServiceNowV2AuthenticationType info [Changelog] - Type of parameter type of interface CopySource is changed from "AvroSource" | "ExcelSource" | "ParquetSource" | "DelimitedTextSource" | "JsonSource" | "XmlSource" | "OrcSource" | "BinarySource" | "TabularSource" | "AzureTableSource" | "BlobSource" | "DocumentDbCollectionSource" | "CosmosDbSqlApiSource" | "DynamicsSource" | "DynamicsCrmSource" | "CommonDataServiceForAppsSource" | "RelationalSource" | "InformixSource" | "MicrosoftAccessSource" | "Db2Source" | "OdbcSource" | "MySqlSource" | "PostgreSqlSource" | "SybaseSource" | "SapBwSource" | "ODataSource" | "SalesforceSource" | "SalesforceServiceCloudSource" | "SapCloudForCustomerSource" | "SapEccSource" | "SapHanaSource" | "SapOpenHubSource" | "SapOdpSource" | "SapTableSource" | "RestSource" | "SqlSource" | "SqlServerSource" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource" | "AzureSqlSource" | "SqlMISource" | "SqlDWSource" | "FileSystemSource" | "HdfsSource" | "AzureMySqlSource" | "AzureDataExplorerSource" | "OracleSource" | "AmazonRdsForOracleSource" | "TeradataSource" | "WebSource" | "CassandraSource" | "MongoDbSource" | "MongoDbAtlasSource" | "MongoDbV2Source" | "CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource" | "Office365Source" | "AzureDataLakeStoreSource" | "AzureBlobFSSource" | "HttpSource" | "AmazonMWSSource" | "AzurePostgreSqlSource" | "ConcurSource" | "CouchbaseSource" | "DrillSource" | "EloquaSource" | "GoogleBigQuerySource" | "GreenplumSource" | "HBaseSource" | "HiveSource" | "HubspotSource" | "ImpalaSource" | "JiraSource" | "MagentoSource" | "MariaDBSource" | "AzureMariaDBSource" | "MarketoSource" | "PaypalSource" | "PhoenixSource" | "PrestoSource" | "QuickBooksSource" | "ServiceNowSource" | "ShopifySource" | "SparkSource" | "SquareSource" | "XeroSource" | "ZohoSource" | "NetezzaSource" | "VerticaSource" | "SalesforceMarketingCloudSource" | "ResponsysSource" | "DynamicsAXSource" | "OracleServiceCloudSource" | "GoogleAdWordsSource" | "AmazonRedshiftSource" | "LakeHouseTableSource" | "SnowflakeSource" | "SnowflakeV2Source" | "AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource" | "WarehouseSource" | "SharePointOnlineListSource" | "SalesforceV2Source" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source" to "AvroSource" | "ExcelSource" | "ParquetSource" | "DelimitedTextSource" | "JsonSource" | "XmlSource" | "OrcSource" | "BinarySource" | "TabularSource" | "AzureTableSource" | "BlobSource" | "DocumentDbCollectionSource" | "CosmosDbSqlApiSource" | "DynamicsSource" | "DynamicsCrmSource" | "CommonDataServiceForAppsSource" | "RelationalSource" | "InformixSource" | "MicrosoftAccessSource" | "Db2Source" | "OdbcSource" | "MySqlSource" | "PostgreSqlSource" | "PostgreSqlV2Source" | "SybaseSource" | "SapBwSource" | "ODataSource" | "SalesforceSource" | "SalesforceServiceCloudSource" | "SapCloudForCustomerSource" | "SapEccSource" | "SapHanaSource" | "SapOpenHubSource" | "SapOdpSource" | "SapTableSource" | "RestSource" | "SqlSource" | "SqlServerSource" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource" | "AzureSqlSource" | "SqlMISource" | "SqlDWSource" | "FileSystemSource" | "HdfsSource" | "AzureMySqlSource" | "AzureDataExplorerSource" | "OracleSource" | "AmazonRdsForOracleSource" | "TeradataSource" | "WebSource" | "CassandraSource" | "MongoDbSource" | "MongoDbAtlasSource" | "MongoDbV2Source" | "CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource" | "Office365Source" | "AzureDataLakeStoreSource" | "AzureBlobFSSource" | "HttpSource" | "AmazonMWSSource" | "AzurePostgreSqlSource" | "ConcurSource" | "CouchbaseSource" | "DrillSource" | "EloquaSource" | "GoogleBigQuerySource" | "GoogleBigQueryV2Source" | "GreenplumSource" | "HBaseSource" | "HiveSource" | "HubspotSource" | "ImpalaSource" | "JiraSource" | "MagentoSource" | "MariaDBSource" | "AzureMariaDBSource" | "MarketoSource" | "PaypalSource" | "PhoenixSource" | "PrestoSource" | "QuickBooksSource" | "ServiceNowSource" | "ShopifySource" | "SparkSource" | "SquareSource" | "XeroSource" | "ZohoSource" | "NetezzaSource" | "VerticaSource" | "SalesforceMarketingCloudSource" | "ResponsysSource" | "DynamicsAXSource" | "OracleServiceCloudSource" | "GoogleAdWordsSource" | "AmazonRedshiftSource" | "LakeHouseTableSource" | "SnowflakeSource" | "SnowflakeV2Source" | "AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource" | "WarehouseSource" | "SharePointOnlineListSource" | "SalesforceV2Source" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source" | "ServiceNowV2Source" info [Changelog] - Type of parameter type of interface Dataset is changed from "AmazonS3Object" | "Avro" | "Excel" | "Parquet" | "DelimitedText" | "Json" | "Xml" | "Orc" | "Binary" | "AzureBlob" | "AzureTable" | "AzureSqlTable" | "AzureSqlMITable" | "AzureSqlDWTable" | "CassandraTable" | "CustomDataset" | "CosmosDbSqlApiCollection" | "DocumentDbCollection" | "DynamicsEntity" | "DynamicsCrmEntity" | "CommonDataServiceForAppsEntity" | "AzureDataLakeStoreFile" | "AzureBlobFSFile" | "Office365Table" | "FileShare" | "MongoDbCollection" | "MongoDbAtlasCollection" | "MongoDbV2Collection" | "CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollection" | "ODataResource" | "OracleTable" | "AmazonRdsForOracleTable" | "TeradataTable" | "AzureMySqlTable" | "AmazonRedshiftTable" | "Db2Table" | "RelationalTable" | "InformixTable" | "OdbcTable" | "MySqlTable" | "PostgreSqlTable" | "MicrosoftAccessTable" | "SalesforceObject" | "SalesforceServiceCloudObject" | "SybaseTable" | "SapBwCube" | "SapCloudForCustomerResource" | "SapEccResource" | "SapHanaTable" | "SapOpenHubTable" | "SqlServerTable" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServerTable" | "RestResource" | "SapTableResource" | "SapOdpResource" | "WebTable" | "AzureSearchIndex" | "HttpFile" | "AmazonMWSObject" | "AzurePostgreSqlTable" | "ConcurObject" | "CouchbaseTable" | "DrillTable" | "EloquaObject" | "GoogleBigQueryObject" | "GreenplumTable" | "HBaseObject" | "HiveObject" | "HubspotObject" | "ImpalaObject" | "JiraObject" | "MagentoObject" | "MariaDBTable" | "AzureMariaDBTable" | "MarketoObject" | "PaypalObject" | "PhoenixObject" | "PrestoObject" | "QuickBooksObject" | "ServiceNowObject" | "ShopifyObject" | "SparkObject" | "SquareObject" | "XeroObject" | "ZohoObject" | "NetezzaTable" | "VerticaTable" | "SalesforceMarketingCloudObject" | "ResponsysObject" | "DynamicsAXResource" | "OracleServiceCloudObject" | "AzureDataExplorerTable" | "GoogleAdWordsObject" | "SnowflakeTable" | "SnowflakeV2Table" | "SharePointOnlineListResource" | "AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeDataset" | "LakeHouseTable" | "SalesforceV2Object" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Object" | "WarehouseTable" to "AmazonS3Object" | "Avro" | "Excel" | "Parquet" | "DelimitedText" | "Json" | "Xml" | "Orc" | "Binary" | "AzureBlob" | "AzureTable" | "AzureSqlTable" | "AzureSqlMITable" | "AzureSqlDWTable" | "CassandraTable" | "CustomDataset" | "CosmosDbSqlApiCollection" | "DocumentDbCollection" | "DynamicsEntity" | "DynamicsCrmEntity" | "CommonDataServiceForAppsEntity" | "AzureDataLakeStoreFile" | "AzureBlobFSFile" | "Office365Table" | "FileShare" | "MongoDbCollection" | "MongoDbAtlasCollection" | "MongoDbV2Collection" | "CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollection" | "ODataResource" | "OracleTable" | "AmazonRdsForOracleTable" | "TeradataTable" | "AzureMySqlTable" | "AmazonRedshiftTable" | "Db2Table" | "RelationalTable" | "InformixTable" | "OdbcTable" | "MySqlTable" | "PostgreSqlTable" | "PostgreSqlV2Table" | "MicrosoftAccessTable" | "SalesforceObject" | "SalesforceServiceCloudObject" | "SybaseTable" | "SapBwCube" | "SapCloudForCustomerResource" | "SapEccResource" | "SapHanaTable" | "SapOpenHubTable" | "SqlServerTable" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServerTable" | "RestResource" | "SapTableResource" | "SapOdpResource" | "WebTable" | "AzureSearchIndex" | "HttpFile" | "AmazonMWSObject" | "AzurePostgreSqlTable" | "ConcurObject" | "CouchbaseTable" | "DrillTable" | "EloquaObject" | "GoogleBigQueryObject" | "GoogleBigQueryV2Object" | "GreenplumTable" | "HBaseObject" | "HiveObject" | "HubspotObject" | "ImpalaObject" | "JiraObject" | "MagentoObject" | "MariaDBTable" | "AzureMariaDBTable" | "MarketoObject" | "PaypalObject" | "PhoenixObject" | "PrestoObject" | "QuickBooksObject" | "ServiceNowObject" | "ShopifyObject" | "SparkObject" | "SquareObject" | "XeroObject" | "ZohoObject" | "NetezzaTable" | "VerticaTable" | "SalesforceMarketingCloudObject" | "ResponsysObject" | "DynamicsAXResource" | "OracleServiceCloudObject" | "AzureDataExplorerTable" | "GoogleAdWordsObject" | "SnowflakeTable" | "SnowflakeV2Table" | "SharePointOnlineListResource" | "AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeDataset" | "LakeHouseTable" | "SalesforceV2Object" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Object" | "WarehouseTable" | "ServiceNowV2Object" info [Changelog] - Type of parameter type of interface LinkedService is changed from "AzureStorage" | "AzureBlobStorage" | "AzureTableStorage" | "AzureSqlDW" | "SqlServer" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServer" | "AzureSqlDatabase" | "AzureSqlMI" | "AzureBatch" | "AzureKeyVault" | "CosmosDb" | "Dynamics" | "DynamicsCrm" | "CommonDataServiceForApps" | "HDInsight" | "FileServer" | "AzureFileStorage" | "AmazonS3Compatible" | "OracleCloudStorage" | "GoogleCloudStorage" | "Oracle" | "AmazonRdsForOracle" | "AzureMySql" | "MySql" | "PostgreSql" | "Sybase" | "Db2" | "Teradata" | "AzureML" | "AzureMLService" | "Odbc" | "Informix" | "MicrosoftAccess" | "Hdfs" | "OData" | "Web" | "Cassandra" | "MongoDb" | "MongoDbAtlas" | "MongoDbV2" | "CosmosDbMongoDbApi" | "AzureDataLakeStore" | "AzureBlobFS" | "Office365" | "Salesforce" | "SalesforceServiceCloud" | "SapCloudForCustomer" | "SapEcc" | "SapOpenHub" | "SapOdp" | "RestService" | "TeamDesk" | "Quickbase" | "Smartsheet" | "Zendesk" | "Dataworld" | "AppFigures" | "Asana" | "Twilio" | "GoogleSheets" | "AmazonS3" | "AmazonRedshift" | "CustomDataSource" | "AzureSearch" | "HttpServer" | "FtpServer" | "Sftp" | "SapBW" | "SapHana" | "AmazonMWS" | "AzurePostgreSql" | "Concur" | "Couchbase" | "Drill" | "Eloqua" | "GoogleBigQuery" | "Greenplum" | "HBase" | "Hive" | "Hubspot" | "Impala" | "Jira" | "Magento" | "MariaDB" | "AzureMariaDB" | "Marketo" | "Paypal" | "Phoenix" | "Presto" | "QuickBooks" | "ServiceNow" | "Shopify" | "Spark" | "Square" | "Xero" | "Zoho" | "Vertica" | "Netezza" | "SalesforceMarketingCloud" | "HDInsightOnDemand" | "AzureDataLakeAnalytics" | "AzureDatabricks" | "AzureDatabricksDeltaLake" | "Responsys" | "DynamicsAX" | "OracleServiceCloud" | "GoogleAdWords" | "SapTable" | "AzureDataExplorer" | "AzureFunction" | "Snowflake" | "SnowflakeV2" | "SharePointOnlineList" | "AzureSynapseArtifacts" | "LakeHouse" | "SalesforceV2" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2" | "Warehouse" to "AzureStorage" | "AzureBlobStorage" | "AzureTableStorage" | "AzureSqlDW" | "SqlServer" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServer" | "AzureSqlDatabase" | "AzureSqlMI" | "AzureBatch" | "AzureKeyVault" | "CosmosDb" | "Dynamics" | "DynamicsCrm" | "CommonDataServiceForApps" | "HDInsight" | "FileServer" | "AzureFileStorage" | "AmazonS3Compatible" | "OracleCloudStorage" | "GoogleCloudStorage" | "Oracle" | "AmazonRdsForOracle" | "AzureMySql" | "MySql" | "PostgreSql" | "PostgreSqlV2" | "Sybase" | "Db2" | "Teradata" | "AzureML" | "AzureMLService" | "Odbc" | "Informix" | "MicrosoftAccess" | "Hdfs" | "OData" | "Web" | "Cassandra" | "MongoDb" | "MongoDbAtlas" | "MongoDbV2" | "CosmosDbMongoDbApi" | "AzureDataLakeStore" | "AzureBlobFS" | "Office365" | "Salesforce" | "SalesforceServiceCloud" | "SapCloudForCustomer" | "SapEcc" | "SapOpenHub" | "SapOdp" | "RestService" | "TeamDesk" | "Quickbase" | "Smartsheet" | "Zendesk" | "Dataworld" | "AppFigures" | "Asana" | "Twilio" | "GoogleSheets" | "AmazonS3" | "AmazonRedshift" | "CustomDataSource" | "AzureSearch" | "HttpServer" | "FtpServer" | "Sftp" | "SapBW" | "SapHana" | "AmazonMWS" | "AzurePostgreSql" | "Concur" | "Couchbase" | "Drill" | "Eloqua" | "GoogleBigQuery" | "GoogleBigQueryV2" | "Greenplum" | "HBase" | "Hive" | "Hubspot" | "Impala" | "Jira" | "Magento" | "MariaDB" | "AzureMariaDB" | "Marketo" | "Paypal" | "Phoenix" | "Presto" | "QuickBooks" | "ServiceNow" | "Shopify" | "Spark" | "Square" | "Xero" | "Zoho" | "Vertica" | "Netezza" | "SalesforceMarketingCloud" | "HDInsightOnDemand" | "AzureDataLakeAnalytics" | "AzureDatabricks" | "AzureDatabricksDeltaLake" | "Responsys" | "DynamicsAX" | "OracleServiceCloud" | "GoogleAdWords" | "SapTable" | "AzureDataExplorer" | "AzureFunction" | "Snowflake" | "SnowflakeV2" | "SharePointOnlineList" | "AzureSynapseArtifacts" | "LakeHouse" | "SalesforceV2" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2" | "Warehouse" | "ServiceNowV2" info [Changelog] - Type of parameter type of interface TabularSource is changed from "TabularSource" | "AzureTableSource" | "InformixSource" | "Db2Source" | "OdbcSource" | "MySqlSource" | "PostgreSqlSource" | "SybaseSource" | "SapBwSource" | "SalesforceSource" | "SapCloudForCustomerSource" | "SapEccSource" | "SapHanaSource" | "SapOpenHubSource" | "SapOdpSource" | "SapTableSource" | "SqlSource" | "SqlServerSource" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource" | "AzureSqlSource" | "SqlMISource" | "SqlDWSource" | "AzureMySqlSource" | "TeradataSource" | "CassandraSource" | "AmazonMWSSource" | "AzurePostgreSqlSource" | "ConcurSource" | "CouchbaseSource" | "DrillSource" | "EloquaSource" | "GoogleBigQuerySource" | "GreenplumSource" | "HBaseSource" | "HiveSource" | "HubspotSource" | "ImpalaSource" | "JiraSource" | "MagentoSource" | "MariaDBSource" | "AzureMariaDBSource" | "MarketoSource" | "PaypalSource" | "PhoenixSource" | "PrestoSource" | "QuickBooksSource" | "ServiceNowSource" | "ShopifySource" | "SparkSource" | "SquareSource" | "XeroSource" | "ZohoSource" | "NetezzaSource" | "VerticaSource" | "SalesforceMarketingCloudSource" | "ResponsysSource" | "DynamicsAXSource" | "OracleServiceCloudSource" | "GoogleAdWordsSource" | "AmazonRedshiftSource" | "WarehouseSource" | "SalesforceV2Source" to "TabularSource" | "AzureTableSource" | "InformixSource" | "Db2Source" | "OdbcSource" | "MySqlSource" | "PostgreSqlSource" | "PostgreSqlV2Source" | "SybaseSource" | "SapBwSource" | "SalesforceSource" | "SapCloudForCustomerSource" | "SapEccSource" | "SapHanaSource" | "SapOpenHubSource" | "SapOdpSource" | "SapTableSource" | "SqlSource" | "SqlServerSource" | "AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource" | "AzureSqlSource" | "SqlMISource" | "SqlDWSource" | "AzureMySqlSource" | "TeradataSource" | "CassandraSource" | "AmazonMWSSource" | "AzurePostgreSqlSource" | "ConcurSource" | "CouchbaseSource" | "DrillSource" | "EloquaSource" | "GoogleBigQuerySource" | "GoogleBigQueryV2Source" | "GreenplumSource" | "HBaseSource" | "HiveSource" | "HubspotSource" | "ImpalaSource" | "JiraSource" | "MagentoSource" | "MariaDBSource" | "AzureMariaDBSource" | "MarketoSource" | "PaypalSource" | "PhoenixSource" | "PrestoSource" | "QuickBooksSource" | "ServiceNowSource" | "ShopifySource" | "SparkSource" | "SquareSource" | "XeroSource" | "ZohoSource" | "NetezzaSource" | "VerticaSource" | "SalesforceMarketingCloudSource" | "ResponsysSource" | "DynamicsAXSource" | "OracleServiceCloudSource" | "GoogleAdWordsSource" | "AmazonRedshiftSource" | "WarehouseSource" | "SalesforceV2Source" | "ServiceNowV2Source" info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownExpressionV2Type info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownGoogleBigQueryV2AuthenticationType info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownServiceNowV2AuthenticationType info [Changelog] info [Changelog] **Breaking Changes** info [Changelog] info [Changelog] - Operation CredentialOperations.createOrUpdate has a new signature info [Changelog] - Interface ManagedIdentityCredential no longer has parameter resourceId info [Changelog] - Type of parameter value of interface CredentialListResponse is changed from ManagedIdentityCredentialResource[] to CredentialResource[]