[Fleet] 2024-02-02-preview resolve conflicts #27767
openapi-pipeline-app / Swagger SDK Breaking Change Tracking
Feb 17, 2024 in 3m 38s
Swagger SDK Breaking Change Tracking succeeded
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
Breaking Changes Tracking
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-databoxedge - 3.0.0Diff with approved: + Interface DevicesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand + Interface DevicesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand + Interface TriggersListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter + Interface UsersListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Diff with base: + Interface DevicesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand + Interface DevicesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand + Interface TriggersListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter + Interface UsersListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-datafactory - 14.0.0Diff with approved: + Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source no longer has parameter readBehavior + Interface SalesforceV2Source no longer has parameter readBehavior + Removed Enum KnownSalesforceV2SourceReadBehavior + Type of parameter headers of interface AzureFunctionActivity is changed from any to { [propertyName: string]: string; } + Type of parameter headers of interface WebActivity is changed from any to { [propertyName: string]: string; } + Type of parameter headers of interface WebHookActivity is changed from any to { [propertyName: string]: string; } Diff with base: + Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source no longer has parameter readBehavior + Interface SalesforceV2Source no longer has parameter readBehavior + Removed Enum KnownSalesforceV2SourceReadBehavior + Type of parameter headers of interface AzureFunctionActivity is changed from any to { [propertyName: string]: string; } + Type of parameter headers of interface WebActivity is changed from any to { [propertyName: string]: string; } + Type of parameter headers of interface WebHookActivity is changed from any to { [propertyName: string]: string; }
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-elasticsan - 2.0.0Diff with approved: + Interface ElasticSan has a new required parameter baseSizeTiB + Interface ElasticSan has a new required parameter extendedCapacitySizeTiB + Interface ElasticSan has a new required parameter sku + Interface ElasticSan no longer has parameter properties + Interface ElasticSanUpdate no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection has a new required parameter privateLinkServiceConnectionState + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter properties + Interface Snapshot has a new required parameter creationData + Interface Snapshot no longer has parameter properties + Interface Volume has a new required parameter sizeGiB + Interface Volume no longer has parameter properties + Interface VolumeGroup no longer has parameter properties + Interface VolumeGroupUpdate no longer has parameter properties + Interface VolumeUpdate no longer has parameter properties Diff with base: + Interface ElasticSan has a new required parameter baseSizeTiB + Interface ElasticSan has a new required parameter extendedCapacitySizeTiB + Interface ElasticSan has a new required parameter sku + Interface ElasticSan no longer has parameter properties + Interface ElasticSanUpdate no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection has a new required parameter privateLinkServiceConnectionState + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter properties + Interface Snapshot has a new required parameter creationData + Interface Snapshot no longer has parameter properties + Interface Volume has a new required parameter sizeGiB + Interface Volume no longer has parameter properties + Interface VolumeGroup no longer has parameter properties + Interface VolumeGroupUpdate no longer has parameter properties + Interface VolumeUpdate no longer has parameter properties
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-hdinsightcontainers - 1.0.0-beta.2Diff with approved: + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter clusterProfile + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter clusterType + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter computeProfile + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter deploymentId + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter provisioningState + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter status + Interface ClusterInstanceViewResult has a new required parameter properties + Interface ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter serviceStatuses + Interface ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter status + Interface ClusterPatch no longer has parameter clusterProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter aksClusterProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter aksManagedResourceGroupName + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter clusterPoolProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter computeProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter deploymentId + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter logAnalyticsProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter managedResourceGroupName + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter networkProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter provisioningState + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter status + Interface ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter aksVersion + Interface ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter clusterPoolVersion + Interface ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter isPreview + Interface ClusterResizeData no longer has parameter targetWorkerNodeCount + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter clusterPoolVersion + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter clusterType + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter clusterVersion + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter components + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter isPreview + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter ossVersion + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter componentName + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter content + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter customKeys + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter defaultKeys + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter fileName + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter path + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter serviceName + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter type + Interface TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter enable + Interface TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter port + Interface TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter suspend + Interface TrinoWorker no longer has parameter enable + Interface TrinoWorker no longer has parameter port + Interface TrinoWorker no longer has parameter suspend + Type of parameter kafkaProfile of interface ClusterProfile is changed from { [propertyName: string]: any; } to KafkaProfile Diff with base: + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter clusterProfile + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter clusterType + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter computeProfile + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter deploymentId + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter provisioningState + Interface Cluster no longer has parameter status + Interface ClusterInstanceViewResult has a new required parameter properties + Interface ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter serviceStatuses + Interface ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter status + Interface ClusterPatch no longer has parameter clusterProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter aksClusterProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter aksManagedResourceGroupName + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter clusterPoolProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter computeProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter deploymentId + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter logAnalyticsProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter managedResourceGroupName + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter networkProfile + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter provisioningState + Interface ClusterPool no longer has parameter status + Interface ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter aksVersion + Interface ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter clusterPoolVersion + Interface ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter isPreview + Interface ClusterResizeData no longer has parameter targetWorkerNodeCount + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter clusterPoolVersion + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter clusterType + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter clusterVersion + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter components + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter isPreview + Interface ClusterVersion no longer has parameter ossVersion + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter componentName + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter content + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter customKeys + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter defaultKeys + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter fileName + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter path + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter serviceName + Interface ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter type + Interface TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter enable + Interface TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter port + Interface TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter suspend + Interface TrinoWorker no longer has parameter enable + Interface TrinoWorker no longer has parameter port + Interface TrinoWorker no longer has parameter suspend + Type of parameter kafkaProfile of interface ClusterProfile is changed from { [propertyName: string]: any; } to KafkaProfile
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-machinelearning - 3.0.0-beta.1Diff with approved: + Deleted Class AzureMachineLearningWorkspaces + Interface BatchDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface BatchDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface BatchDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface BatchEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface BatchEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface CodeContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface CodeVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface CodeVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface CodeVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface ComponentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ComponentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface ComputeListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface DataContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface DataContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tags + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter isDefault + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter names + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderByAsc + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter searchText + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface EnvironmentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface EnvironmentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface FqdnEndpoints no longer has parameter properties + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter jobType + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tag + Interface ListWorkspaceKeysResult no longer has parameter userStorageResourceId + Interface ModelContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface ModelContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ModelContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter description + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter feed + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter offset + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter properties + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tags + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter version + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListSkusNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListSkusNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter computeType + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter name + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter properties + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tags + Interface PrivateEndpoint no longer has parameter subnetArmId + Interface SchedulesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface SchedulesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface WorkspaceConnectionPropertiesV2 no longer has parameter value + Interface WorkspaceConnectionPropertiesV2 no longer has parameter valueFormat + Interface WorkspaceConnectionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter category + Interface WorkspaceConnectionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter target + Interface WorkspacesDiagnoseOptionalParams no longer has parameter parameters + Interface WorkspacesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface WorkspacesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Operation WorkspaceConnections.create has a new signature + Removed Enum KnownPrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus + Removed Enum KnownPublicNetworkAccess + Removed Enum KnownValueFormat + Type of parameter applicationInsights of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter containerRegistry of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter cron of interface ComputeStartStopSchedule is changed from CronTrigger to Cron + Type of parameter dnsResolution of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter keyVault of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter keyVaultProperties of interface EncryptionProperty is changed from EncryptionKeyVaultProperties to KeyVaultProperties + Type of parameter nsg of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter others of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter privateEndpoint of interface PrivateEndpointConnection is changed from PrivateEndpoint to WorkspacePrivateEndpointResource + Type of parameter publicNetworkAccess of interface Workspace is changed from PublicNetworkAccess to PublicNetworkAccessType + Type of parameter publicNetworkAccess of interface WorkspaceUpdateParameters is changed from PublicNetworkAccess to PublicNetworkAccessType + Type of parameter recurrence of interface ComputeStartStopSchedule is changed from RecurrenceTrigger to Recurrence + Type of parameter resourceLock of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter status of interface PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState is changed from PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus to EndpointServiceConnectionStatus + Type of parameter status of interface SharedPrivateLinkResource is changed from PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus to EndpointServiceConnectionStatus + Type of parameter storageAccount of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter triggerType of interface ComputeStartStopSchedule is changed from TriggerType to ComputeTriggerType + Type of parameter udr of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter value of interface ExternalFqdnResponse is changed from FqdnEndpoints[] to FqdnEndpointsPropertyBag[] Diff with base: + Deleted Class AzureMachineLearningWorkspaces + Interface BatchDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface BatchDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface BatchDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface BatchEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface BatchEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface CodeContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface CodeVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface CodeVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface CodeVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface ComponentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ComponentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ComponentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface ComputeListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface DataContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface DataContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tags + Interface DataVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter isDefault + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter names + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderByAsc + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter searchText + Interface DatastoresListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface EnvironmentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface EnvironmentContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface EnvironmentVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface FqdnEndpoints no longer has parameter properties + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter jobType + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface JobsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tag + Interface ListWorkspaceKeysResult no longer has parameter userStorageResourceId + Interface ModelContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface ModelContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ModelContainersListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter description + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter feed + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter offset + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter properties + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tags + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface ModelVersionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter version + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListSkusNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface OnlineDeploymentsListSkusNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter computeType + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter count + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter name + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter orderBy + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter properties + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface OnlineEndpointsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter tags + Interface PrivateEndpoint no longer has parameter subnetArmId + Interface SchedulesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter listViewType + Interface SchedulesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface WorkspaceConnectionPropertiesV2 no longer has parameter value + Interface WorkspaceConnectionPropertiesV2 no longer has parameter valueFormat + Interface WorkspaceConnectionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter category + Interface WorkspaceConnectionsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter target + Interface WorkspacesDiagnoseOptionalParams no longer has parameter parameters + Interface WorkspacesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Interface WorkspacesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skip + Operation WorkspaceConnections.create has a new signature + Removed Enum KnownPrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus + Removed Enum KnownPublicNetworkAccess + Removed Enum KnownValueFormat + Type of parameter applicationInsights of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter containerRegistry of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter cron of interface ComputeStartStopSchedule is changed from CronTrigger to Cron + Type of parameter dnsResolution of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter keyVault of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter keyVaultProperties of interface EncryptionProperty is changed from EncryptionKeyVaultProperties to KeyVaultProperties + Type of parameter nsg of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter others of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter privateEndpoint of interface PrivateEndpointConnection is changed from PrivateEndpoint to WorkspacePrivateEndpointResource + Type of parameter publicNetworkAccess of interface Workspace is changed from PublicNetworkAccess to PublicNetworkAccessType + Type of parameter publicNetworkAccess of interface WorkspaceUpdateParameters is changed from PublicNetworkAccess to PublicNetworkAccessType + Type of parameter recurrence of interface ComputeStartStopSchedule is changed from RecurrenceTrigger to Recurrence + Type of parameter resourceLock of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter status of interface PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState is changed from PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus to EndpointServiceConnectionStatus + Type of parameter status of interface SharedPrivateLinkResource is changed from PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus to EndpointServiceConnectionStatus + Type of parameter storageAccount of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter triggerType of interface ComputeStartStopSchedule is changed from TriggerType to ComputeTriggerType + Type of parameter udr of interface DiagnoseRequestProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter value of interface ExternalFqdnResponse is changed from FqdnEndpoints[] to FqdnEndpointsPropertyBag[]
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-migrate - 3.0.0-beta.1Diff with approved: + Deleted Class AzureMigrateV2 + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Accepted + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Creating + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Deleting + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Moving + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter eTag + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter id + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter name + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter type + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter id + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter name + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter type + Removed Enum KnownAssessmentSizingCriterion + Removed Enum KnownAssessmentStage + Removed Enum KnownAssessmentStatus + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskSize + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskSuitabilityDetail + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskSuitabilityExplanation + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskType + Removed Enum KnownAzureHybridUseBenefit + Removed Enum KnownAzureLocation + Removed Enum KnownAzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityDetail + Removed Enum KnownAzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityExplanation + Removed Enum KnownAzureOfferCode + Removed Enum KnownAzurePricingTier + Removed Enum KnownAzureStorageRedundancy + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmFamily + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmSize + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmSuitabilityDetail + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmSuitabilityExplanation + Removed Enum KnownCloudSuitability + Removed Enum KnownCurrency + Removed Enum KnownGroupStatus + Removed Enum KnownGroupUpdateOperation + Removed Enum KnownMachineBootType + Removed Enum KnownPercentile + Removed Enum KnownPrivateEndpointConnectionPropertiesProvisioningState + Removed Enum KnownProjectStatus + Removed Enum KnownReservedInstance + Removed Enum KnownTimeRange + Removed operation group AssessedMachines + Removed operation group Assessments + Removed operation group Groups + Removed operation group HyperVCollectors + Removed operation group ImportCollectors + Removed operation group Machines + Removed operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionOperations + Removed operation group PrivateLinkResourceOperations + Removed operation group Projects + Removed operation group ServerCollectors + Removed operation group VMwareCollectors + Type of parameter origin of interface Operation is changed from string to Origin Diff with base: + Deleted Class AzureMigrateV2 + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Accepted + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Creating + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Deleting + Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Moving + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter eTag + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter id + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter name + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateEndpointConnection no longer has parameter type + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter id + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter name + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter properties + Interface PrivateLinkResource no longer has parameter type + Removed Enum KnownAssessmentSizingCriterion + Removed Enum KnownAssessmentStage + Removed Enum KnownAssessmentStatus + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskSize + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskSuitabilityDetail + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskSuitabilityExplanation + Removed Enum KnownAzureDiskType + Removed Enum KnownAzureHybridUseBenefit + Removed Enum KnownAzureLocation + Removed Enum KnownAzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityDetail + Removed Enum KnownAzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityExplanation + Removed Enum KnownAzureOfferCode + Removed Enum KnownAzurePricingTier + Removed Enum KnownAzureStorageRedundancy + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmFamily + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmSize + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmSuitabilityDetail + Removed Enum KnownAzureVmSuitabilityExplanation + Removed Enum KnownCloudSuitability + Removed Enum KnownCurrency + Removed Enum KnownGroupStatus + Removed Enum KnownGroupUpdateOperation + Removed Enum KnownMachineBootType + Removed Enum KnownPercentile + Removed Enum KnownPrivateEndpointConnectionPropertiesProvisioningState + Removed Enum KnownProjectStatus + Removed Enum KnownReservedInstance + Removed Enum KnownTimeRange + Removed operation group AssessedMachines + Removed operation group Assessments + Removed operation group Groups + Removed operation group HyperVCollectors + Removed operation group ImportCollectors + Removed operation group Machines + Removed operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionOperations + Removed operation group PrivateLinkResourceOperations + Removed operation group Projects + Removed operation group ServerCollectors + Removed operation group VMwareCollectors + Type of parameter origin of interface Operation is changed from string to Origin
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-nginx - 4.0.0Diff with approved: + Type of parameter error of interface ResourceProviderDefaultErrorResponse is changed from ErrorResponseBody to ErrorDetail Diff with base: + Type of parameter error of interface ResourceProviderDefaultErrorResponse is changed from ErrorResponseBody to ErrorDetail
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-playwrighttesting - 1.0.0-beta.2Diff with approved: + Interface Account no longer has parameter dashboardUri + Interface Account no longer has parameter provisioningState + Interface Account no longer has parameter regionalAffinity + Interface Account no longer has parameter reporting + Interface Account no longer has parameter scalableExecution + Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter regionalAffinity + Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter reporting + Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter scalableExecution + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter allocatedValue + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter createdAt + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter expiryAt + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter percentageUsed + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter usedValue + Interface Quota no longer has parameter freeTrial + Interface Quota no longer has parameter provisioningState Diff with base: + Interface Account no longer has parameter dashboardUri + Interface Account no longer has parameter provisioningState + Interface Account no longer has parameter regionalAffinity + Interface Account no longer has parameter reporting + Interface Account no longer has parameter scalableExecution + Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter regionalAffinity + Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter reporting + Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter scalableExecution + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter allocatedValue + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter createdAt + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter expiryAt + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter percentageUsed + Interface FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter usedValue + Interface Quota no longer has parameter freeTrial + Interface Quota no longer has parameter provisioningState
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-quantum - 1.0.0-beta.2Diff with approved: + Interface QuantumWorkspace no longer has parameter systemData Diff with base: + Interface QuantumWorkspace no longer has parameter systemData
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-redisenterprisecache - 3.0.0Diff with approved: + Removed operation PrivateEndpointConnections.delete Diff with base: + Removed operation PrivateEndpointConnections.delete
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-securityinsight - 1.0.0-beta.7Diff with approved: + Enum KnownRepoType no longer has value DevOps + Interface MstiDataConnectorDataTypes no longer has parameter bingSafetyPhishingURL + Interface Repository no longer has parameter pathMapping + Operation Incidents.createTeam has a new signature + Operation SourceControlOperations.listRepositories has a new signature + Operation SourceControls.delete has a new signature + Parameter branch of interface Repository is now required + Parameter contentTypes of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter displayName of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter logicAppResourceId of interface PlaybookActionProperties is now required + Parameter repoType of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter repository of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter url of interface Repository is now required + Removed Enum KnownEntityKind + Removed Enum KnownEnum13 + Removed Enum KnownThreatIntelligenceResourceKindEnum + Removed Enum KnownThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteriaEnum + Type of parameter additionalData of interface AccountEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface AzureResourceEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface CloudApplicationEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface DnsEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface EntityCommonProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface EntityEdges is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface FileEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface FileHashEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface HostEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface HuntingBookmark is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface IoTDeviceEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface IpEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MailClusterEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MailMessageEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MailboxEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MalwareEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface NicEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface ProcessEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface RegistryKeyEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface RegistryValueEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface SecurityAlert is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface SecurityGroupEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface SubmissionMailEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorModel is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface UrlEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter entityKind of interface ExpansionResultAggregation is changed from EntityKind to EntityKindEnum + Type of parameter entityKind of interface IncidentEntitiesResultsMetadata is changed from EntityKind to EntityKindEnum + Type of parameter kind of interface Entity is changed from EntityKind to EntityKindEnum + Type of parameter kind of interface EntityQueriesListOptionalParams is changed from Enum13 to Enum20 + Type of parameter kind of interface MetadataModel is changed from Kind to string + Type of parameter kind of interface MetadataPatch is changed from Kind to string + Type of parameter kind of interface ThreatIntelligenceInformation is changed from ThreatIntelligenceResourceKindEnum to ThreatIntelligenceResourceInnerKind + Type of parameter sortOrder of interface ThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteria is changed from ThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteriaEnum to ThreatIntelligenceSortingOrder + Type of parameter webhookSecretUpdateTime of interface Webhook is changed from string to Date Diff with base: + Enum KnownRepoType no longer has value DevOps + Interface MstiDataConnectorDataTypes no longer has parameter bingSafetyPhishingURL + Interface Repository no longer has parameter pathMapping + Operation Incidents.createTeam has a new signature + Operation SourceControlOperations.listRepositories has a new signature + Operation SourceControls.delete has a new signature + Parameter branch of interface Repository is now required + Parameter contentTypes of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter displayName of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter logicAppResourceId of interface PlaybookActionProperties is now required + Parameter repoType of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter repository of interface SourceControl is now required + Parameter url of interface Repository is now required + Removed Enum KnownEntityKind + Removed Enum KnownEnum13 + Removed Enum KnownThreatIntelligenceResourceKindEnum + Removed Enum KnownThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteriaEnum + Type of parameter additionalData of interface AccountEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface AzureResourceEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface CloudApplicationEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface DnsEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface EntityCommonProperties is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface EntityEdges is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface FileEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface FileHashEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface HostEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface HuntingBookmark is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface IoTDeviceEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface IpEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MailClusterEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MailMessageEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MailboxEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface MalwareEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface NicEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface ProcessEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface RegistryKeyEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface RegistryValueEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface SecurityAlert is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface SecurityGroupEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface SubmissionMailEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorModel is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter additionalData of interface UrlEntity is changed from { [propertyName: string]: Record; } to { [propertyName: string]: any; } + Type of parameter entityKind of interface ExpansionResultAggregation is changed from EntityKind to EntityKindEnum + Type of parameter entityKind of interface IncidentEntitiesResultsMetadata is changed from EntityKind to EntityKindEnum + Type of parameter kind of interface Entity is changed from EntityKind to EntityKindEnum + Type of parameter kind of interface EntityQueriesListOptionalParams is changed from Enum13 to Enum20 + Type of parameter kind of interface MetadataModel is changed from Kind to string + Type of parameter kind of interface MetadataPatch is changed from Kind to string + Type of parameter kind of interface ThreatIntelligenceInformation is changed from ThreatIntelligenceResourceKindEnum to ThreatIntelligenceResourceInnerKind + Type of parameter sortOrder of interface ThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteria is changed from ThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteriaEnum to ThreatIntelligenceSortingOrder + Type of parameter webhookSecretUpdateTime of interface Webhook is changed from string to Date