[Azure AI - Health Insights] - Typespec revision for Health Insights API V3 (Radiology Insights) #27614
openapi-pipeline-app / Swagger LintDiff
Apr 2, 2024 in 4m 20s
Swagger LintDiff succeeded
Compared specs (v2.2.0) | new version | base version |
package-2024-04-01 | package-2024-04-01(7343a0d) | default(main) |
[must fix]The following errors/warnings are introduced by current PR:
Rule | Message | Related RPC [For API reviewers] |
OperationId for put method should contain both 'Create' and 'Update' Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L126 |
The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:
Rule | Message |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L988 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L1195 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L1316 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L1965 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L1992 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2028 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2032 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2036 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2040 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2067 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2071 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2075 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2782 |
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum. Location: HealthInsights/stable/2024-04-01/openapi.json#L2787 |