[Azure AI - Health Insights] - Typespec revision for Health Insights API Version 2 #27223
openapi-pipeline-app / SDK azure-sdk-for-js
Feb 1, 2024 in 4h 32m 3s
SDK azure-sdk-for-js succeeded
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 0b86423a8256b66c84c4e0e0d7d52e75105bb4bb. SDK Automation 14.0.0command sh .scripts/automation_init.sh ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json warn File azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read warn specification/ai/data-plane/HealthInsights/readme.md skipped due to azure-sdk-for-js not found in swagger-to-sdk command sh .scripts/automation_generate.sh ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateOutput.json cmderr [automation_generate.sh] [ERROR] Generate changelog failed: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-js/sdk/healthinsights/azurehealthinsightscancerprofiling-rest/review'
@azure-rest/health-insights-cancerprofiling [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]info [Changelog] error breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.
@azure-rest/health-insights-patienttimeline [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]info [Changelog] error breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.
@azure-rest/health-insights-radiologyinsights [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]info [Changelog] error breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.
@azure-rest/health-insights-clinicalmatching [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]info [Changelog] error breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.