Remove spatial #27209
Remove spatial #27209
openapi-pipeline-app / Swagger BreakingChange
Jan 16, 2024 in 3m 42s
Swagger BreakingChange failed
BreakingChange: 32 Errors, 0 Warnings
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
To see the full list of breaking change messages, with all the details available:
In the relevant ADO build (see the link above), find the job BreakingChange
, then the task within, also called BreakingChange
In the task's build log, search for Full list of messages
compared swaggers (via Oad v0.10.4)] | new version | base version |
spatial.json | 1.0(0c5cb32) | 1.0(main) |
1005 - RemovedPath
Displaying 5 out of 5 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a path that was found in the old version. Was path '/spatial/buffer/{format}' removed or restructured? Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L331:5 |
2 | The new version is missing a path that was found in the old version. Was path '/spatial/closestPoint/{format}' removed or restructured? Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L414:5 |
3 | The new version is missing a path that was found in the old version. Was path '/spatial/geofence/{format}' removed or restructured? Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L156:5 |
4 | The new version is missing a path that was found in the old version. Was path '/spatial/greatCircleDistance/{format}' removed or restructured? Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L590:5 |
5 | The new version is missing a path that was found in the old version. Was path '/spatial/pointInPolygon/{format}' removed or restructured? Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L508:5 |
1006 - RemovedDefinition
Displaying 15 out of 15 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'BufferRequestBody' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
2 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'default' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L51:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L59:3 |
3 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'ErrorDetail' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
4 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'ErrorResponse' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
5 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonFeature' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
6 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonFeatureCollection' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
7 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonGeometry' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
8 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonGeometryCollection' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
9 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonLineString' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
10 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonMultiLineString' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
11 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonMultiPoint' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
12 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonMultiPolygon' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
13 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonPoint' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
14 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonPolygon' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
15 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'GeoJsonPosition' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L54:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L631:3 |
1007 - RemovedClientParameter
Displaying 12 out of 12 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'ApiVersion' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
2 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'ClientId' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
3 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'ClosestPointRequestBody' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
4 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'GeofenceMode' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
5 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'GeographicResourceLocation' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
6 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'JsonFormat' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
7 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'PointInPolygonRequestBody' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
8 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'PositionLatitudeAbbreviated' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
9 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'PositionLongitudeAbbreviated' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
10 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'SearchGeofenceRequestBody' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
11 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'SpatialUploadDataFormat' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
12 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'SpatialUploadUdid' removed or renamed? New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L52:3 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L60:3 |
💬 1001 - NoVersionChange
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The versions have not changed. New: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L1:1 Old: Creator/preview/1.0/spatial.json#L1:1 |