Todd king msft monitor microsoft.insights 2023 10 01 resolve dups #26927
Swagger BreakingChange failed
BreakingChange: 20 Errors, 2 Warnings
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
To see the full list of breaking change messages, with all the details available:
In the relevant ADO build (see the link above), find the job BreakingChange
, then the task within, also called BreakingChange
In the task's build log, search for Full list of messages
compared swaggers (via Oad v0.10.4)] | new version | base version |
types.json | 3.0(363263f) | 3.0(main) |
types.json | 4.0(363263f) | 4.0(main) |
types.json | 4.0(363263f) | 4.0(main) |
metricBatch.json | 2023-03-01-preview(363263f) | 2023-03-01-preview(main) |
metricBatch.json | 2023-05-01-preview(363263f) | 2023-05-01-preview(main) |
metricDefinitions_API.json | 2017-05-01-preview(363263f) | 2017-05-01-preview(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2017-05-01-preview(363263f) | 2017-05-01-preview(main) |
metricDefinitions_API.json | 2017-09-01-preview(363263f) | 2017-09-01-preview(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2017-09-01-preview(363263f) | 2017-09-01-preview(main) |
vmInsightsOnboarding_API.json | 2018-11-27-preview(363263f) | 2018-11-27-preview(main) |
privateLinkScopes_API.json | 2019-10-17-preview(363263f) | 2019-10-17-preview(main) |
scheduledQueryRule_API.json | 2020-05-01-preview(363263f) | 2020-05-01-preview(main) |
scheduledQueryRule_API.json | 2021-02-01-preview(363263f) | 2021-02-01-preview(main) |
privateLinkScopes_API.json | 2021-07-01-preview(363263f) | 2021-07-01-preview(main) |
tenantActionGroups_API.json | 2023-03-01-preview(363263f) | 2023-03-01-preview(main) |
tenantActionGroups_API.json | 2023-05-01-preview(363263f) | 2023-05-01-preview(main) |
activityLogs_API.json | 2015-04-01(363263f) | 2015-04-01(main) |
eventCategories_API.json | 2015-04-01(363263f) | 2015-04-01(main) |
operations_API.json | 2015-04-01(363263f) | 2015-04-01(main) |
tenantActivityLogs_API.json | 2015-04-01(363263f) | 2015-04-01(main) |
metricDefinitions_API.json | 2015-07-01(363263f) | 2015-07-01(main) |
metricDefinitions_API.json | 2016-03-01(363263f) | 2016-03-01(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2016-06-01(363263f) | 2016-06-01(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2016-09-01(363263f) | 2016-09-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2017-04-01(363263f) | 2017-04-01(main) |
metricDefinitions_API.json | 2018-01-01(363263f) | 2018-01-01(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2018-01-01(363263f) | 2018-01-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2018-03-01(363263f) | 2018-03-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2018-09-01(363263f) | 2018-09-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2019-03-01(363263f) | 2019-03-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2019-06-01(363263f) | 2019-06-01(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2019-07-01(363263f) | 2019-07-01(main) |
commonMonitoringTypes.json | 2021-05-01(363263f) | 2021-05-01(main) |
metricDefinitions_API.json | 2021-05-01(363263f) | 2021-05-01(main) |
metrics_API.json | 2021-05-01(363263f) | 2021-05-01(main) |
scheduledQueryRule_API.json | 2021-08-01(363263f) | 2021-08-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2021-09-01(363263f) | 2021-09-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2022-04-01(363263f) | 2022-04-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2022-06-01(363263f) | 2022-06-01(main) |
actionGroups_API.json | 2023-01-01(363263f) | 2023-01-01(main) |
commonDefinitions.json | 2023-11-01(363263f) | 2023-11-01(main) |
1011 - AddingResponseCode
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version adds a response code 'default'. New: Microsoft.Insights/stable/2015-04-01/operations_API.json#L63:11 |
1023 - TypeFormatChanged
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a different format than the previous one. New: Microsoft.Insights/preview/2023-05-01-preview/metricBatch.json#L310:15 Old: Microsoft.Insights/preview/2023-05-01-preview/metricBatch.json#L310:15 |
1026 - TypeChanged
Displaying 31 out of 68 occurrences.
1029 - ReadonlyPropertyChanged
Displaying 6 out of 6 occurrences.
1040 - AddedReadOnlyPropertyInResponse
Displaying 5 out of 5 occurrences.
1041 - AddedPropertyInResponse
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new property 'properties' in response that was not found in the old version. New: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L331:7 Old: Microsoft.Insights/stable/2015-04-01/operations_API.json#L90:7 |
1045 - AddedOptionalProperty
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new optional property 'systemData' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.Insights/preview/2020-05-01-preview/scheduledQueryRule_API.json#L426:7 Old: Microsoft.Insights/preview/2020-05-01-preview/scheduledQueryRule_API.json#L426:7 |
⚠️ 1032 - DifferentAllOf
Displaying 2 out of 2 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a different 'allOf' property than the previous one. New: common-types/resource-management/v2/types.json#L85:5 Old: Microsoft.Insights/preview/2018-11-27-preview/vmInsightsOnboarding_API.json#L95:5 |
2 | The new version has a different 'allOf' property than the previous one. New: common-types/resource-management/v2/types.json#L85:5 Old: Microsoft.Insights/preview/2019-10-17-preview/privateLinkScopes_API.json#L1077:5 |
💬 1001 - NoVersionChange
Displaying 31 out of 41 occurrences.