[Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'datafactory/zheyuanzhang/lakehouse_swagger' #26561
openapi-pipeline-app / Automated merging requirements met
Nov 6, 2023 in 5m 16s
Some automated merging requirements are not met
❌ This PR cannot be merged because some requirements are not met. Please see the details.
Following required checks are failing:
❌ Swagger BreakingChange
❌ Swagger LintDiff
❌ Swagger ModelValidation
❌ Swagger SemanticValidation
Following required labels are missing:
❌ ARMSignedOff
❌ Approved-SdkBreakingChange-Go
❌ Approved-SdkBreakingChange-Python
❌ Approved-SdkBreakingChange-JavaScript
For help, please consult comments on this PR and work with the PR assignee.