fix for merge conflict #26085
fix for merge conflict #26085
openapi-pipeline-app / SDK azure-sdk-for-go
Oct 4, 2023 in 2m 56s
SDK azure-sdk-for-go failed
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Code Generator Failed [Logs] Generate from e887218e4983444505c8b846c96c6e33659a760d. SDK Automation 14.0.0command sh ./eng/scripts/ ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initOutput.json command generator automation-v2 ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateOutput.json cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] total 1 error(s): cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] failed to execute `go generate` '�[33;1mWARNING: Unable to find version for /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-go/src/�[0m cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] Cannot find go module under resourcemanager/machinelearning/armmachinelearning, try to build in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-go/src/ cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] ##[command]Cleaning auto-generated files in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-go/src/ cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] ##[command]Executing autorest.go in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-go/src/ cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] autorest --use=@autorest/[email protected] --go --track2 --output-folder=/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-go/src/ --clear-output-folder=false --go.clear-output-folder=false --honor-body-placement=true --remove-unreferenced-types=false ./ cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.6.1; node: v16.20.2] cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] (C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] There is a new version of AutoRest available (3.6.3). cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] > You can install the newer version with with npm install -g autorest@latest cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] info | Loading AutoRest core '/home/cloudtest/.autorest/@[email protected]/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7) cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] info | Installing AutoRest extension '@autorest/go' (4.0.0-preview.55 -> 4.0.0-preview.55) cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] info | Installed AutoRest extension '@autorest/go' (4.0.0-preview.55->4.0.0-preview.55) cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] info | Installing AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2 -> 4.26.2) cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] info | Installed AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2) cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] fatal | Process() cancelled due to failure cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] error | Error: Could not read 'file:///mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-go/src/'. cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] error | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing. cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] ##[error]Error running autorest.go cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] build.go:5: running "pwsh": exit status 1 cmderr [generator automation-v2] [ERROR] ': exit status 1 error Script return with result [failed] code [1] signal [null] cwd [azure-sdk-for-go/src/]: generator automation-v2 warn Skip package processing as generation is failed