[Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.Resources to add version stable/2023-08-01 #25270
openapi-pipeline-app / Swagger SDK Breaking Change Tracking
Oct 4, 2023 in 2m 29s
Swagger SDK Breaking Change Tracking failed
The check status is neutral due to the check was suppressed by label. If you have any question, pls contact [email protected]
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Breaking Changes Tracking
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/resources/armresources - Approved - 2.0.0Diff with approved: Operation `*TagsClient.CreateOrUpdateAtScope` has been changed to LRO, use `*TagsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdateAtScope` instead. Operation `*TagsClient.DeleteAtScope` has been changed to LRO, use `*TagsClient.BeginDeleteAtScope` instead. Operation `*TagsClient.UpdateAtScope` has been changed to LRO, use `*TagsClient.BeginUpdateAtScope` instead. Type of `DeploymentProperties.Parameters` has been changed from `any` to `map[string]*DeploymentParameter` Type of `DeploymentWhatIfProperties.Parameters` has been changed from `any` to `map[string]*DeploymentParameter` Diff with base: Operation `*TagsClient.CreateOrUpdateAtScope` has been changed to LRO, use `*TagsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdateAtScope` instead. Operation `*TagsClient.DeleteAtScope` has been changed to LRO, use `*TagsClient.BeginDeleteAtScope` instead. Operation `*TagsClient.UpdateAtScope` has been changed to LRO, use `*TagsClient.BeginUpdateAtScope` instead. Type of `DeploymentProperties.Parameters` has been changed from `any` to `map[string]*DeploymentParameter` Type of `DeploymentWhatIfProperties.Parameters` has been changed from `any` to `map[string]*DeploymentParameter`
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/resources/armpolicy - Approved - 0.8.0Diff with approved: Function `NewClientFactory` parameter(s) have been changed from `(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions)` to `(string, string, string, string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions)` Diff with base: Function `NewClientFactory` parameter(s) have been changed from `(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions)` to `(string, string, string, string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions)`
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-changes - Approved - 2.0.0Diff with approved: Interface ChangesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skipToken Interface ChangesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top Diff with base: Interface ChangesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter skipToken Interface ChangesListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter top
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-features - Approved - 4.0.0Diff with approved: Class FeatureClient has a new signature Diff with base: Class FeatureClient has a new signature
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-links - Approved - 3.0.0Diff with approved: Class ManagementLinkClient has a new signature Interface ResourceLinksListAtSubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Diff with base: Class ManagementLinkClient has a new signature Interface ResourceLinksListAtSubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-locks - Approved - 3.0.0Diff with approved: Class ManagementLockClient has a new signature Interface ManagementLocksListAtResourceGroupLevelNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Interface ManagementLocksListAtResourceLevelNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Interface ManagementLocksListAtSubscriptionLevelNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Interface ManagementLocksListByScopeNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Diff with base: Class ManagementLockClient has a new signature Interface ManagementLocksListAtResourceGroupLevelNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Interface ManagementLocksListAtResourceLevelNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Interface ManagementLocksListAtSubscriptionLevelNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter Interface ManagementLocksListByScopeNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-managedapplications - Approved - 3.0.0Diff with approved: Class ApplicationClient has a new signature - Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Created - Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Creating - Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Ready - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter errorCode - Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter errorMessage - Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter httpStatus - Interface GenericResource no longer has parameter identity - Parameter name of interface ApplicationArtifact is now required - Parameter type of interface ApplicationArtifact is now required - Parameter uri of interface ApplicationArtifact is now required - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdate - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdateById - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdateByIdAndWait - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDelete - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDeleteAndWait - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDeleteById - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDeleteByIdAndWait - Removed operation Applications.update - Removed operation Applications.updateById - Type of parameter artifacts of interface ApplicationDefinition is changed from ApplicationArtifact[] to ApplicationDefinitionArtifact[] - Type of parameter authorizations of interface ApplicationDefinition is changed from ApplicationProviderAuthorization[] to ApplicationAuthorization[] - Type of parameter isEnabled of interface ApplicationDefinition is changed from string to boolean - Type of parameter name of interface ApplicationArtifact is changed from string to ApplicationArtifactName - Type of parameter parameters of interface ApplicationsUpdateByIdOptionalParams is changed from Application to ApplicationPatchable - Type of parameter type of interface Identity is changed from "SystemAssigned" to ResourceIdentityType Diff with base: Class ApplicationClient has a new signature - Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Created - Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Creating - Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Ready - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteByIdOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom - Interface ApplicationDefinitionsDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter updateIntervalInMs - Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter errorCode - Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter errorMessage - Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter httpStatus - Interface GenericResource no longer has parameter identity - Parameter name of interface ApplicationArtifact is now required - Parameter type of interface ApplicationArtifact is now required - Parameter uri of interface ApplicationArtifact is now required - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdate - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdateById - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginCreateOrUpdateByIdAndWait - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDelete - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDeleteAndWait - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDeleteById - Removed operation ApplicationDefinitions.beginDeleteByIdAndWait - Removed operation Applications.update - Removed operation Applications.updateById - Type of parameter artifacts of interface ApplicationDefinition is changed from ApplicationArtifact[] to ApplicationDefinitionArtifact[] - Type of parameter authorizations of interface ApplicationDefinition is changed from ApplicationProviderAuthorization[] to ApplicationAuthorization[] - Type of parameter isEnabled of interface ApplicationDefinition is changed from string to boolean - Type of parameter name of interface ApplicationArtifact is changed from string to ApplicationArtifactName - Type of parameter parameters of interface ApplicationsUpdateByIdOptionalParams is changed from Application to ApplicationPatchable - Type of parameter type of interface Identity is changed from "SystemAssigned" to ResourceIdentityType
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-resources - Approved - 6.0.0Diff with approved: Class ResourceManagementClient has a new signature Removed operation TagsOperations.createOrUpdateAtScope Removed operation TagsOperations.deleteAtScope Removed operation TagsOperations.updateAtScope Type of parameter parameters of interface DeploymentProperties is changed from Record to { [propertyName: string]: DeploymentParameter; } Diff with base: Class ResourceManagementClient has a new signature Removed operation TagsOperations.createOrUpdateAtScope Removed operation TagsOperations.deleteAtScope Removed operation TagsOperations.updateAtScope Type of parameter parameters of interface DeploymentProperties is changed from Record to { [propertyName: string]: DeploymentParameter; }
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-templatespecs - Approved - 3.0.0Diff with approved: Class TemplateSpecsClient has a new signature Interface TemplateSpecsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand Interface TemplateSpecsListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand Diff with base: Class TemplateSpecsClient has a new signature Interface TemplateSpecsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand Interface TemplateSpecsListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter expand