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Merge pull request #82 from Azure-Samples/dev
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Add cert usage information, update READMEs
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derisen authored Jun 30, 2023
2 parents 1659746 + 6f7f4fc commit 4ab3e6a
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Showing 38 changed files with 3,656 additions and 117 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions 1-Authentication/1-sign-in/App/authConfig.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
* For enhanced security, consider using client certificates instead of secrets.
* See for more.
const authConfig = {
auth: {
authority: "",
clientId: "Enter_the_Application_Id_Here",
clientSecret: "Enter_the_Client_Secret_Here",
// clientCertificate: {
// thumbprint: "YOUR_CERT_THUMBPRINT",
// privateKey: fs.readFileSync('PATH_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE'),
// }
redirectUri: "/redirect",
system: {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#Requires -Version 7

[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage='Tenant ID (This is a GUID which represents the "Directory ID" of the AzureAD tenant into which you want to create the apps')]
[string] $tenantId,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage='Azure environment to use while running the script. Default = Global')]
[string] $azureEnvironmentName

Function Cleanup
if (!$azureEnvironmentName)
$azureEnvironmentName = "Global"

This function removes the Azure AD applications for the sample. These applications were created by the Configure.ps1 script

# $tenantId is the Active Directory Tenant. This is a GUID which represents the "Directory ID" of the AzureAD tenant
# into which you want to create the apps. Look it up in the Azure portal in the "Properties" of the Azure AD.

# Connect to the Microsoft Graph API
Write-Host "Connecting to Microsoft Graph"

if ($tenantId -eq "")
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All Organization.Read.All Application.ReadWrite.All" -Environment $azureEnvironmentName
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $tenantId -Scopes "User.Read.All Organization.Read.All Application.ReadWrite.All" -Environment $azureEnvironmentName

$context = Get-MgContext
$tenantId = $context.TenantId

# Get the user running the script
$currentUserPrincipalName = $context.Account
$user = Get-MgUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$($context.Account)'"

# get the tenant we signed in to
$Tenant = Get-MgOrganization
$tenantName = $Tenant.DisplayName

$verifiedDomain = $Tenant.VerifiedDomains | where {$_.Isdefault -eq $true}
$verifiedDomainName = $verifiedDomain.Name
$tenantId = $Tenant.Id

Write-Host ("Connected to Tenant {0} ({1}) as account '{2}'. Domain is '{3}'" -f $Tenant.DisplayName, $Tenant.Id, $currentUserPrincipalName, $verifiedDomainName)

# Removes the applications
Write-Host "Cleaning-up applications from tenant '$tenantId'"

Write-Host "Removing 'client' (msal-node-webapp) if needed"
Get-MgApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'msal-node-webapp'" | ForEach-Object {Remove-MgApplication -ApplicationId $_.Id }
$message = $_
Write-Warning $Error[0]
Write-Host "Unable to remove the application 'msal-node-webapp'. Error is $message. Try deleting manually." -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red

Write-Host "Making sure there are no more (msal-node-webapp) applications found, will remove if needed..."
$apps = Get-MgApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'msal-node-webapp'" | Format-List Id, DisplayName, AppId, SignInAudience, PublisherDomain

if ($apps)
Remove-MgApplication -ApplicationId $apps.Id

foreach ($app in $apps)
Remove-MgApplication -ApplicationId $app.Id
Write-Host "Removed msal-node-webapp.."

# also remove service principals of this app
Get-MgServicePrincipal -filter "DisplayName eq 'msal-node-webapp'" | ForEach-Object {Remove-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $_.Id -Confirm:$false}
$message = $_
Write-Warning $Error[0]
Write-Host "Unable to remove ServicePrincipal 'msal-node-webapp'. Error is $message. Try deleting manually from Enterprise applications." -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red
# remove self-signed certificate
Write-Host "Removing CN=msal-node-webapp certificate from Cert:/CurrentUser/My"
Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My | where { $_.subject -eq "CN=msal-node-webapp" } | Remove-Item

# Pre-requisites
if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.Graph")) {
Install-Module "Microsoft.Graph" -Scope CurrentUser

#Import-Module Microsoft.Graph

if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication")) {
Install-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication" -Scope CurrentUser

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication

if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement")) {
Install-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement" -Scope CurrentUser

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement

if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Applications")) {
Install-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Applications" -Scope CurrentUser

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Applications

if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Groups")) {
Install-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Groups" -Scope CurrentUser

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups

if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Users")) {
Install-Module "Microsoft.Graph.Users" -Scope CurrentUser

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Cleanup -tenantId $tenantId -environment $azureEnvironmentName
$_.Exception.ToString() | out-host
$message = $_
Write-Warning $Error[0]
Write-Host "Unable to register apps. Error is $message." -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red

Write-Host "Disconnecting from tenant"

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