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Charge sources

Azgaar edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

Here is the list of web-sites collecting heraldry charges that can be used in Armoria.


WappenWiki deals with heraldry, here you will find standardized coat of arms of countries in medieval Europe, Anatolia and the Holy Land.

It is the best source of historical coat of arms in good vector style. Vector images are free for non-commercial use. WappenWiki images are used in Armoria by default, with optimization done by Azgaar.

Wikimedia Commons

Wikipedia media storage has various heraldic images, including vector ones. Images have diffecrent quality, mainly poor, but low quality is compensated by the variety. All images are free for commercial use.


Mistholme is author's compendium for medieval heraldry, with emphasis on its design and use in Medieval and Renaissance re-creation.

It has good pages about charges, but images are raster and probably licensed, so cannot be used as a source.

The Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

The Book of Traceable Heraldic Art is a compilation of armorial illustrations intended to facilitate SCA device and badge design. There are currently 3,914 pages of illustrations grouped under 977 headings, and more are being added on a regular basis.

Contains a lot of vector charges. Quality can be pretty low, but some charges are artistic enough. Generally should not be used as a source due to restrictive license, even non-commercial usage is not allowed.

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