This app is simply a little project made for my daily usage.
UPDATE v1.1: You can now define your stations in the settings page, it will synchronize automatically on your Apple Watch App.
pod install
inside your root folder to install CocoaPods frameworks
If you want to log with Firebase, I let you refer to this link how to configure Firebase with iOS:
Create a "env" folder.
Create and add Environment.swift in env folder.
Finally, you should implement Environment.swift class like that:
class Environment: NSObject {
var SNCF_TOKEN = "YourToken"
var PHONE_NUMBER = "YourPhoneNumber"
You can simply get your token on this url:
- WatchOS 4.0+
- iOS 11.0+
- Alamofire - HTTP networking library
- SwiftJSON - Makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift.
- Firebase - Google database services
- PopupDialog - Customizable popup dialog
- EMTLoadingIndicator - Displays loading indicator on Apple watchOS 3+
- SearchTextField - Show an autocomplete suggestions list.
- Joly Axel - Computer science student at ISEN Toulon - Github