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This project has been deprecated by the new API and its components. REST services are now provided by turaco, intensive compute tasks are facilitated by myna, and all database models can be found in kagu.

The BirdFeed API and management panel, powered by Rails 4+, authentication by Devise, and OAuth by Doorkeeper.


Perch is designed to make it easy to deploy the BirdFeed API onto your infrastructure. Please treat this as a primer to an easy deployment and use best practices while setting up your own infrastructure.


  • Ruby 2+
  • Node.JS runtime (for docs)

Setting up Perch

It's actually ridiculously simple, just...

git clone
cd perch
vim config/database.yml # do your thing
bundle install && rails s

Building the docs

You may be interested in building the swagger-ui docs to make development easier. A Rake task currently clones the schema, swagger-ui, and dumps it into the Rails public/docs directory. Documentation will then be served at /docs, publicly.

rake swagger_ui:build


I use Windows

Please install either bash or zsh to continue. Git for Windows ships with MinGW and bash.

Directory already exists


  • rake swagger_ui:cleanup
  • Deleting swagger_ui and api_schema

Using the API

It is highly recommended to build the documentation for this project as it helps you easily make requests while writing your application.


OAuth is used to securely connect both the application and the user to the API.


Scope Description
client Only applications can obtain this grant to perform read-only operations on Experiment and Sample resources.
participant Only participants can obtain this grant to create Score resources.

Obtaining a token for your application

Ideally, only a certain amount of client "TalkBirdy" applications will be cleared for use with the API. To use the API, they must obtain a client_credentials grant token with the client scope.

NOTE: Application tokens live for only 6 hours; you are responsible for refreshing authorization once it expires.

POST /oauth/token
Content-Type application/json

  "client_id": "hello",
  "client_secret": "shhhhh",
  "grant_type": "client_credentials",
  "scope": "client"

Obtaining a token for your participant

In order to ensure that the application does not create any Score resources on behalf of the user, only Participant resources are authorized to make requests to /score/record. As such, you must obtain a password grant token with the participant scope.

NOTE: Participant tokens live for only 6 hours; you are responsible for refreshing authorization once it expires.

POST /oauth/token
Content-Type application/json

  "username": "supercoolguy1337",
  "password": "hush",
  "grant_type": "password",
  "scope": "participant"

Example request

Let's grab a Sample resource with id = 1 as an authorized client.

GET /v1/sample/1
Content-Type application/json

{"id":1,"name":"A sample","total_scores":2,"avg_score":"3.8599999999999998756550212419824674725","expected_score":"3.0","created_at":"2015-12-15T02:22:23.604Z","updated_at":"2015-12-15T05:18:55.813Z","audio_file_name":"fix_me.mp3","audio_content_type":"audio/mp3","audio_file_size":179849,"audio_updated_at":"2015-12-15T02:22:23.486Z","s3_url":"","tag_list":["fix me"]}


Currently, due to a hectic semester, we did not have time to write up-to-date unit tests as the specification kept changing frequently as user feedback came in. To aid in testing functionality, we have provided a seedfile:

RAILS_ENV=development rake db:seed

This will populate your database with a few hundred scores and some very basic data to test CSV export functionality, as well as data visualization. Feel free to add more. No S3 files are created as all models are by-hand