Welcome to eMart, your ultimate destination for all your online shopping needs. Built with the powerful MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) along with Redux for state management, eMart offers a comprehensive set of features for both administrators and customers, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.
eMart is designed to provide users with a hassle-free and intuitive shopping experience. Whether you're a customer looking for your favorite products or an administrator managing your online store, eMart has you covered. With features like a full-featured shopping cart, product reviews, and an easy-to-use admin dashboard, eMart makes online shopping simple and enjoyable.
- Full featured shopping cart: Easily add, remove, and manage products in your cart.
- Product reviews and ratings: Share your feedback and read reviews from other customers.
- Top products carousel: Discover trending and popular products at a glance.
- Product pagination: Navigate through large product catalogs effortlessly.
- Product search feature: Find exactly what you're looking for with our robust search functionality.
- User profile with orders: Keep track of your order history and manage your account details.
- Admin product management: Add, edit, and delete products with ease from the admin dashboard.
- Admin user management: Manage user accounts and permissions efficiently.
- Admin Order details page: Gain insights into order details for better management.
- Mark orders as delivered option: Keep customers informed about their order status.
- Checkout process: Smooth and secure checkout process with options for shipping and payment method selection.
- PayPal / credit card integration: Offer multiple payment options for a convenient shopping experience.
- Database seeder: Seed your database with sample users and products for testing and demonstration purposes.
Setup MongoDB: Create a MongoDB database and obtain your MongoDB URI from MongoDB Atlas.
Setup PayPal Integration: Create a PayPal account and obtain your Client ID from PayPal Developer.
Environment Variables: Rename the
file to.env
and add your environment variables:
Make sure to replace your_mongodb_uri
, your_jwt_secret
, and your_paypal_client_id
with your actual credentials.
- Install Dependencies: Install dependencies for both frontend and backend:
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
- Run: Start the development server for both frontend and backend:
npm run dev
To deploy your application, follow these steps:
- Create Frontend Production Build:
cd frontend
npm run build
- Deploy to Hosting Platform: Deploy your backend and frontend builds to your preferred hosting platform.
To seed your database with sample data:
- Import Data:
npm run data:import
- Destroy Data:
npm run data:destroy
For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the developer:
- Developer: Avishka Gihan
- Email: [email protected]
Start shopping with eMart today and experience the convenience of online shopping like never before!