This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 26, 2023. It is now read-only.
Changes since last beta:
- Change default capture method to Windows Graphics API (Toufool#200)
- Fix start issue after finishing splits (Toufool#199)
- Disable Capture device: dropdown when Capture method: is not Video Capture Device (Toufool#198)
- Fix obs-camera image freezing for a sec when it gives a blank frame
- Fix Direct3D Desktop Duplication error on hybrid GPU laptops
- Some Desktop Duplication setup was done in advance, even if that method won't be used
- Hybrid GPU laptops can have issues with D3D Desktop Duplication. The issue and a workaround is now documented
- D3D option is now hidden if it's not available
- Slight build size improvement
- Documentation updates:
- Add link to dev builds
- Update some phrasing in capture method descriptions to be more accurate
- Added Discord badge in readme
All other changes since 1.6.1:
- Documentation updates:
- Added summary of histogram in readme
- Move build instructions to a different file
- Update Virtualcam link for OBS 28+
- Update to Python 3.11 and PyQt 6.4.2
- Performance improvements
- Fixed a rare machine-specific issue where AutoSplit could crash when given options to load from the LiveSplit integration.
- UI fixes:
- Centered region labels
- Disable Next/Previous Image buttons when delaying (Toufool#183)
- Fixed loading and clearing of start image from loading profile
- Fixed "Comparison FPS Limit" not being respected
- Add support for pause time after start image (Toufool#182)
- Adaptive resizing for masked images (read more here: Toufool#177, thanks @zalgo3)
- Fix split below threshold when image is not valid. An invalid image has a similarity of 0, and triggered the "below threshold".
- Prevent setting invalid hotkeys, including from loading settings (Toufool#155)
- Generate a build number from datetime (Toufool#149)
- Accessibility and UX improvements:
- Fixed a few focus and tabstop issues
- Adjusted some UI spacing
- Automatically reference the right repo/fork from within the app
- Prevent opening the same menu window multiple times at once
- Added actions/menu bar shortcuts (Toufool#154)
- Added a warning if another instance of AutoSplit is detected to already be open
- Added a hotkey and setting to disable the auto-reset image
- Updated documentation for image comparison
- Some dev setup cleanup
- Round down floats shown in UI
- Disable unused hotkeys when autocontrolled
- Allow to move / set an existing hotkey
- Updated readme
- Properly fix region alignment Fixes #21
- Properly list all video devices names
- A few more bugfixes, including Win11 high DPI visual fixes
- Faster builds and boot. Smaller file size
- Added a splashscreen
- "Missing profile / setting files" error now appears after the main window loaded
- Better saved window detection on load
- Reset image now indicates that its paused when starting a run
- Max fps will show
while running - Updated documentation and credits
- Added
Windows Graphics Capture API
(thanks @Algomancer forIDirect3dDevice
fallback),D3D Desktop Duplication
andCapture Device
(webcams and capture cards, including OBS virtual camera) as capture methods.
Read for more details. - Updated some messages
- Split dropdown for supported imread filetypes
- Completely new UI
- Support for hotkeys with modifiers
- Image comparison method and default delay time in the image filename.
- The settings file is now a human readable toml file, better backward/forward compatibility in the future, but your old settings in pkl format won't be compatible.
- Tons of bugfixes, including some infinite error loops and hard crashes.