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[not verified] chore: Update JetpackPoweredBadge asset
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dcalhoun committed Jul 14, 2022
1 parent e6d5b75 commit ac90801
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 7 deletions.
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions projects/plugins/jetpack/extensions/shared/icons.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -246,18 +246,13 @@ export const JetpackPoweredBadge = () => {
d="M0 17C0 7.61116 7.61116 0 17 0H162C171.389 0 179 7.61116 179 17V17C179 26.3888 171.389 34 162 34H17C7.61116 34 0 26.3888 0 17V17Z"
<Rect x="5" y="5" width="24" height="24" rx="12" fill="#069E08" />
d="M17 5C10.389 5 5 10.3742 5 17C5 23.6258 10.3742 29 17 29C23.6258 29 29 23.6258 29 17C29 10.3742 23.6258 5 17 5ZM16.3816 18.9877H10.4037L16.3816 7.35583V18.9877ZM17.6037 26.6147V14.9828H23.5669L17.6037 26.6147Z"
d="M42.8516 22.7656C44.9375 22.7656 46.1719 21.5 46.1719 19.3672V11.2266H44.7656V19.3516C44.7656 20.7266 44.0938 21.4688 42.8438 21.4688C41.7266 21.4688 41.1719 20.7578 41.0859 19.9062L41.0781 19.8281H39.6719L39.6797 19.9375C39.7969 21.5547 40.8984 22.7656 42.8516 22.7656ZM51.9925 22.6484C53.9769 22.6484 55.18 21.5234 55.4691 20.3828L55.4847 20.3203H54.1253L54.0941 20.3906C53.8675 20.8984 53.1644 21.4375 52.0238 21.4375C50.5238 21.4375 49.5628 20.4219 49.5238 18.6797H55.5863V18.1484C55.5863 15.6328 54.1956 13.9297 51.9066 13.9297C49.6175 13.9297 48.1331 15.7109 48.1331 18.3125V18.3203C48.1331 20.9609 49.5863 22.6484 51.9925 22.6484ZM51.8988 15.1406C53.1409 15.1406 54.0628 15.9297 54.2034 17.5938H49.5472C49.6956 15.9922 50.6488 15.1406 51.8988 15.1406ZM60.3678 22.5625C60.6334 22.5625 60.8913 22.5312 61.1569 22.4844V21.3281C60.9069 21.3516 60.7741 21.3594 60.5319 21.3594C59.6569 21.3594 59.3131 20.9609 59.3131 19.9688V15.2031H61.1569V14.0781H59.3131V11.8984H57.9069V14.0781H56.5788V15.2031H57.9069V20.3125C57.9069 21.9219 58.6334 22.5625 60.3678 22.5625ZM62.8681 25.3125H64.2275V21.1719H64.3525C64.8134 22.0703 65.8213 22.6484 66.9775 22.6484C69.1181 22.6484 70.5088 20.9375 70.5088 18.2969V18.2812C70.5088 15.6562 69.1103 13.9297 66.9775 13.9297C65.8056 13.9297 64.8681 14.4844 64.3525 15.4219H64.2275V14.0781H62.8681V25.3125ZM66.665 21.4453C65.1338 21.4453 64.1963 20.2422 64.1963 18.2969V18.2812C64.1963 16.3359 65.1338 15.1328 66.665 15.1328C68.2041 15.1328 69.1181 16.3203 69.1181 18.2812V18.2969C69.1181 20.2578 68.2041 21.4453 66.665 21.4453ZM74.6263 22.6484C75.7591 22.6484 76.6419 22.1562 77.1731 21.2578H77.2981V22.5H78.6575V16.7344C78.6575 14.9844 77.5091 13.9297 75.4544 13.9297C73.6575 13.9297 72.3763 14.8203 72.1575 16.1406L72.1497 16.1875H73.5091L73.5169 16.1641C73.7356 15.5078 74.3997 15.1328 75.4075 15.1328C76.6653 15.1328 77.2981 15.6953 77.2981 16.7344V17.5L74.8841 17.6484C72.9231 17.7656 71.8138 18.6328 71.8138 20.1328V20.1484C71.8138 21.6797 73.0247 22.6484 74.6263 22.6484ZM73.2044 20.1172V20.1016C73.2044 19.2656 73.7669 18.8125 75.0481 18.7344L77.2981 18.5938V19.3594C77.2981 20.5625 76.2903 21.4688 74.9075 21.4688C73.9309 21.4688 73.2044 20.9688 73.2044 20.1172ZM84.2672 22.6484C86.2906 22.6484 87.4234 21.5625 87.7672 20.0391L87.7828 19.9531L86.4391 19.9609L86.4234 20.0078C86.1109 20.9453 85.3922 21.4453 84.2594 21.4453C82.7594 21.4453 81.7906 20.2031 81.7906 18.2656V18.25C81.7906 16.3516 82.7438 15.1328 84.2594 15.1328C85.4703 15.1328 86.2203 15.8047 86.4313 16.6328L86.4391 16.6562H87.7906L87.7828 16.6094C87.5328 15.1094 86.3063 13.9297 84.2594 13.9297C81.9 13.9297 80.4 15.6328 80.4 18.25V18.2656C80.4 20.9375 81.9078 22.6484 84.2672 22.6484ZM89.5331 22.5H90.8925V19.3047L91.6816 18.5391L94.8378 22.5H96.5488L92.6347 17.6172L96.3066 14.0781H94.6581L91.0175 17.7578H90.8925V10.7344H89.5331V22.5ZM102.002 25.3125H103.362V21.1719H103.487C103.948 22.0703 104.956 22.6484 106.112 22.6484C108.252 22.6484 109.643 20.9375 109.643 18.2969V18.2812C109.643 15.6562 108.245 13.9297 106.112 13.9297C104.94 13.9297 104.002 14.4844 103.487 15.4219H103.362V14.0781H102.002V25.3125ZM105.799 21.4453C104.268 21.4453 103.331 20.2422 103.331 18.2969V18.2812C103.331 16.3359 104.268 15.1328 105.799 15.1328C107.338 15.1328 108.252 16.3203 108.252 18.2812V18.2969C108.252 20.2578 107.338 21.4453 105.799 21.4453ZM114.909 22.6484C117.308 22.6484 118.792 20.9922 118.792 18.2969V18.2812C118.792 15.5781 117.308 13.9297 114.909 13.9297C112.511 13.9297 111.026 15.5781 111.026 18.2812V18.2969C111.026 20.9922 112.511 22.6484 114.909 22.6484ZM114.909 21.4453C113.315 21.4453 112.417 20.2812 112.417 18.2969V18.2812C112.417 16.2891 113.315 15.1328 114.909 15.1328C116.503 15.1328 117.401 16.2891 117.401 18.2812V18.2969C117.401 20.2812 116.503 21.4453 114.909 21.4453ZM121.894 22.5H123.253L125.128 15.9844H125.253L127.136 22.5H128.503L130.863 14.0781H129.511L127.855 20.8125H127.73L125.847 14.0781H124.558L122.675 20.8125H122.55L120.894 14.0781H119.534L121.894 22.5ZM135.464 22.6484C137.449 22.6484 138.652 21.5234 138.941 20.3828L138.957 20.3203H137.597L137.566 20.3906C137.339 20.8984 136.636 21.4375 135.496 21.4375C133.996 21.4375 133.035 20.4219 132.996 18.6797H139.058V18.1484C139.058 15.6328 137.668 13.9297 135.378 13.9297C133.089 13.9297 131.605 15.7109 131.605 18.3125V18.3203C131.605 20.9609 133.058 22.6484 135.464 22.6484ZM135.371 15.1406C136.613 15.1406 137.535 15.9297 137.675 17.5938H133.019C133.168 15.9922 134.121 15.1406 135.371 15.1406ZM140.848 22.5H142.207V17.2812C142.207 16.0469 143.129 15.2266 144.426 15.2266C144.723 15.2266 144.98 15.2578 145.262 15.3047V13.9844C145.129 13.9609 144.84 13.9297 144.582 13.9297C143.441 13.9297 142.652 14.4453 142.332 15.3281H142.207V14.0781H140.848V22.5ZM149.824 22.6484C151.809 22.6484 153.012 21.5234 153.301 20.3828L153.317 20.3203H151.957L151.926 20.3906C151.699 20.8984 150.996 21.4375 149.856 21.4375C148.356 21.4375 147.395 20.4219 147.356 18.6797H153.418V18.1484C153.418 15.6328 152.027 13.9297 149.738 13.9297C147.449 13.9297 145.965 15.7109 145.965 18.3125V18.3203C145.965 20.9609 147.418 22.6484 149.824 22.6484ZM149.731 15.1406C150.973 15.1406 151.895 15.9297 152.035 17.5938H147.379C147.527 15.9922 148.481 15.1406 149.731 15.1406ZM158.317 22.6484C159.489 22.6484 160.426 22.0938 160.942 21.1562H161.067V22.5H162.426V10.7344H161.067V15.4062H160.942C160.481 14.5078 159.473 13.9297 158.317 13.9297C156.176 13.9297 154.786 15.6406 154.786 18.2812V18.2969C154.786 20.9219 156.184 22.6484 158.317 22.6484ZM158.629 21.4453C157.09 21.4453 156.176 20.2578 156.176 18.2969V18.2812C156.176 16.3203 157.09 15.1328 158.629 15.1328C160.161 15.1328 161.098 16.3359 161.098 18.2812V18.2969C161.098 20.2422 160.161 21.4453 158.629 21.4453Z"
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