This is the code implementation of paper CorrectBench: Automatic Testbench Generation with Functional Self-Correction using LLMs for HDL Design, which has been accepted by Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference 2025 as regular paper. This is the next generation of AutoBench.
This open-sourced project contains the code implementation
of CorrectBench, the dataset
(see json files in data/HDLBits
, the dataset is extended from HDLBits data) and the experimental results
(see the following google drive link) referred in paper Section IV Experimental results. Due to the large size, the experimental results are uploaded to google drive.
- Ruidi Qiu, Technical University of Munich, [email protected]
- Grace Li Zhang, TU Darmstadt, [email protected]
- Rolf Drechsler, University of Bremen, [email protected]
- Ulf Schlichtmann, Technical University of Munich, [email protected]
- Bing Li, University of Siegen, [email protected]
CorrectBench is the first framework for automatic testbench generation that incorporates functional self-validation and self-correction. It is the next generation of AutoBench. Our framework utilizes the design specification (SPEC) of the device under test (DUT) in natural language as the sole input, as illustrated above, while expanding the boundaries of current testbench generation methods. CorrectBench improved the generated testbench pass ratio to 70.13%, compared with AutoBench’s 52.18% and baseline’s 33.33%.
Python 3.8 or newer.
The latest version of Icarus Verilog (totally supports IEEE Std 1800-2012). (don't fogget to modify the bin path of iverilog in
(We strongly recommend utilizing the latest versions of Python and Icarus Verilog. This is due to the fact that higher version expressions employed by LLMs may result in compatibility issues or bugs when executed in older software versions.)
see requirements.txt:
- anthropic==0.34.2
- loguru==0.7.2
- matplotlib==3.9.2
- numpy==2.1.1
- openai==1.46.1
- PyYAML==6.0.2
- Requests==2.32.3
- tiktoken==0.7.0
You must insert your OpenAI/Anthropic API key into config/key_API.json
before running the project.
You must change IVERILOG_PATH
in iverilog_call
according to the installation path of iverilog on your device.
If your CPU is heavily occupied or very inefficient, consider enlarging the value for timeout
in your config file, otherwise simulation may fail due to too much time spent on simulation and the final performance may decrease.
This project's config is stored in YAML files under /config
. You have multiple options to run this project. In addition, a demo has already been generated for your quick check in demo
. This demo is also mentioned by fig.5 in our paper.
We provided 1 demo for a quick start, you can access them via args:
- quick start single-task demo:
python -c demo
There are also other full-task preset configs to run the experiments mentioned in the paper. You can check these configs in config/configs
. If you want to run them, you use the command python -c
+ the config name you want to run. For instance, if you want to run CorrectBench's main experiment in paper Section IV-B, you should run the config config/configs/correctbench.yaml, then the command will be: python -c correctbench
Here are some experiments and the corresponding command.
run CorrectBench on 156 tasks with gpt-4o:
python -c correctbench
run AutoBench (a previous LLM-based TestBench generation framework) on 156 tasks with gpt-4o:
python -c autobench
run Baseline (a direct LLM-based TestBench generation method) on 156 tasks with gpt-4o:
python -c baseline
run CorrectBench on 156 tasks with gpt-4o-mini:
python -c 4omini_correctbench
run another validation criterion of CorrectBenh on 156 task with gpt-4o (see Paper Section III-B for more information):
python -c disc_fullwrong
Find more experimental configs in config/configs
We already run one demo in saves/test.
You can change the config file at config/custom.yaml
to customized your running. In this way, your command will simply be python
. Here are explanations for some settings:
: the saving path of log and results. The saving path will bedir
. -
: the LLM model called in work. Now it perfectly supports OpenAI's conversational LLM models such as gpt3.5, gpt4, gpt3.5turbo, gpt4turbo, gpt4o, gpt4omini, claude3.5-sonnet. Please use the official model name such as gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 in this option. -
: this is a list letting the program only run certain tasks. For instance, if I only want to run two tasks: mux2to1v and m2014_q4b, I should write ['mux2to1v', 'm2014_q4b'] here. -
: Verilog or Python codes that runs longer than this value will be considered as failed because LLM-generated codes may have a finite loop. If your computer is old or heavily occupied, enlarge this value. If too small, some correct codes may be distinguished as failed; if too large, the generated signal file in the infinite loop may be too large to stop your computer. -
: If you want to run baseline, thendirectgen
, otherwise, keeppychecker
. -
: default - True; If you do not want the compilation files of Eval2 (more than 100 files per task), set this configuration to False. -
: the pre-generated RTL codes for self-validation. We recommend use the RTL codes from the same LLM as thegpt-model
. This option aims to improve the speed when you run CorrectBench, but you can also choose to leave this configuration empty, that means the imperfect RTLs will be generated while running the self-validator. -
: will be activated when there is no pre-generated RTL code provided (see the last configuration). The number of RTLs that will be generated for one task. The default num is 20. -
: the max rebooting iterations used in CorrectBench (parameter I_R mentioned in the paper) -
: the max correction iterations in each rebooting iteration of CorrectBench (parameter I_C mentioned in the paper) -
: the validation criterion used in CorrectBench.
For other configuration items, please see default.yaml. I would not recommend modifying other configuration items unless you possess sufficient understanding of these components.
This version of CorrectBench is the version only for DATE reviewing. Some information about the author is hidden for the double-blind reviewing.
The circuit_type file in data/HDLBits is only for reference but not used in our work. In CorrectBench workflow, the circuit type of each task is discriminated in Stage 0.
During its development phase, the validator is also called "discriminator", so you will see a lot of "disc" in our codes, which represent discrimination.
Experimental results: When running the expriments, due to some unstability reason, the program crashed. In this case, we will restart the program from the crashed task. Thus you will see for some experiments dir, there are more than 1 log.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), a free software license that aims to protect user freedoms. Under the GPL, you are free to use, modify, and distribute this software, but you must share any modifications under the same license.
title={{CorrectBench: Automatic Testbench Generation with Functional Self-Correction using LLMs for HDL Design}},
author={Ruidi Qiu and Grace Li Zhang and Rolf Drechsler and Ulf Schlichtmann and Bing Li},