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Grocery Tracker App

Cross platform application that will keep track of the groceries that are bought on a per home basis.

How this will work

  • Expo will be used. You can read more about it here

    • Try to play around with it to get a better feel for this framework
  • The entries will be stored on a AWS database, probably dynamoDB because it'll make things simpler.

    • You can find a tutorial here
    • the connection to the DB will be done through AWS amplify which you can read about here

Installation and Running

You can install this app using either npm or yarn as your package manager.

  • You'll need npm to get started with either method.
  • To run the app from source on your device, you'll need to install the expo client app on your device.
If you encounter issues running expo:
  • Try clearing the cache:
    expo r -c

npm Method

  1. Install command line tools for expo

    npm install --global expo-cli
  2. Install dependencies (make sure you are inside the project root at this point!)

    npm install
  3. Setup expo

    expo install
  4. Run the app!

    expo start

Yarn Method

  1. Install yarn if you don't already have it

    npm install -g yarn
  2. Install command line tools for expo

    yarn add global expo-cli
  3. Install dependencies (make sure you are inside the project root at this point!)

    yarn install
  4. Setup expo

    expo install
  5. Run the app!

    expo start


You can build a standalone android .apk file by running this command

expo build:android -t apk

Screen shots

Splash Screen


In App

empty scan page full_scan_page inventory history item info shopping list settings

Demo 1


Demo 2

better demo


No description, website, or topics provided.






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