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Add tool "release" which make multiple builds of a plugin and create …
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p0nce committed Sep 21, 2015
1 parent 136e2c3 commit 8c0585a
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Showing 2 changed files with 384 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tools/release/dub.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"name": "release",
"description": "Build tool. DUB frontend which makes multiple version of a plugin, and also package them in OSX bundles"
380 changes: 380 additions & 0 deletions tools/release/source/main.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
import std.process;
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.uuid;

// Builds plugins and make an archive

void usage()
writeln("usage: release -c <compiler> -a <arch> -b <build>");
writeln(" -a selects arch x86|x64|all (default: win => all mac => x64)");
writeln(" -b selects builds (default: release-nobounds)");
writeln(" -c selects compiler dmd|ldc|gdc|all (default: dmd)");
writeln(" -f|--force selects compiler dmd|ldc|gdc|all (default: no)");
writeln(" -comb|--combined combined build (default: no)");
writeln(" -h|--help shows this help");

enum Compiler

enum Arch

Arch[] allArchitectureqForThisPlatform()
Arch[] archs = [Arch.x86, Arch.x64];
version (OSX)
archs ~= [Arch.universalBinary]; // only Mac has universal binaries
return archs;

string toString(Arch arch)
final switch(arch) with (Arch)
case x86: return "32-bit";
case x64: return "64-bit";
case universalBinary: return "Universal-Binary";

void main(string[] args)
// TODO get executable name from dub.json
Compiler compiler = Compiler.dmd;
version (OSX)
compiler = Compiler.ldc;

Arch[] archs = allArchitectureqForThisPlatform();
version (OSX)
archs = [ Arch.x64 ];

string build="debug";
bool verbose = false;
bool force = false;
bool combined = false;
bool help = false;

string osString = "";
version (OSX)
osString = "Mac-OS-X";
else version(linux)
osString = "Linux";
else version(Windows)
osString = "Windows";

for (int i = 1; i < args.length; ++i)
string arg = args[i];
if (arg == "-v")
verbose = true;
else if (arg == "-c")
if (args[i] == "dmd")
compiler = Compiler.dmd;
else if (args[i] == "gdc")
compiler = Compiler.gdc;
else if (args[i] == "ldc")
compiler = Compiler.ldc;
else if (args[i] == "all")
compiler = Compiler.all;
else throw new Exception("Unrecognized compiler (available: dmd, ldc, gdc, all)");
else if (arg == "-comb"|| arg == "--combined")
combined = true;
else if (arg == "-a")
if (args[i] == "x86" || args[i] == "x32")
archs = [ Arch.x86 ];
else if (args[i] == "x64" || args[i] == "x86_64")
archs = [ Arch.x64 ];
else if (args[i] == "all")
archs = allArchitectureqForThisPlatform();
else throw new Exception("Unrecognized arch (available: x86, x32, x64, x86_64, all)");
else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "-help" || arg == "--help")
help = true;
else if (arg == "-b")
build = args[++i];
else if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--force")
force = true;
throw new Exception(format("Unrecognized argument %s", arg));

if (help)

string mingw64Path = `C:\D\mingw-w64\mingw32\bin`;
string vc10Path = `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin;`
~ `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE`;

string vc12Path = `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin;`
~ `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE`;

string vc14Path = `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin;`
~ `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE`;

Plugin plugin = readDubDescription();
string dirName = format("%s-%s",, plugin.ver);

void fileMove(string source, string dest)
std.file.copy(source, dest);

string dubPath = `C:\Users\ponce\Desktop\dub\bin`;
auto oldpath = environment["PATH"];

static string outputDirectory(string dirName, string osString, Arch arch, string compiler)
return format("%s/%s_%s_VST_%s", dirName, osString, toString(arch), compiler);

void buildAndPackage(string compiler, Arch[] architectures)
foreach (arch; architectures)
bool is64b = arch == Arch.x64;
if (compiler == "gdc" && !is64b)
environment["PATH"] = `C:\d\gdc-32b\bin;` ~ oldpath;
if (compiler == "gdc" && is64b)
environment["PATH"] = `C:\d\gdc-64b\bin;` ~ oldpath;
if (compiler == "ldc" && !is64b)
environment["PATH"] = `c:\d\ldc-32b\bin` ~ ";" ~ mingw64Path ~ ";" ~ oldpath;
if (compiler == "ldc" && is64b)
environment["PATH"] = `c:\d\ldc-64b\bin` ~ ";" ~ vc14Path ~";" ~ `C:\Users\ponce\Desktop\dub\bin`;// ~ ";" ~ oldpath;
environment["LIB"] = `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\LIB\amd64;`
`C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10150.0\ucrt\x64;`
`C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\NETFXSDK\4.6\lib\um\x64;`
`C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\lib\winv6.3\um\x64`;
// writefln("PATH = %s", environment["PATH"]);
string path = outputDirectory(dirName, osString, arch, compiler);

writefln("Creating directory %s", path);

if (arch != Arch.universalBinary)
buildPlugin(compiler, build, is64b, verbose, force, combined);

// On Windows, simply copy the file
fileMove(plugin.outputFile, path ~ "/" ~ plugin.outputFile);
else version(OSX)
// On Mac, make a bundle directory
string contentsDir = path ~ "/" ~ ~ ".vst/Contents";
string ressourcesDir = contentsDir ~ "/Resources";
string macosDir = contentsDir ~ "/MacOS";

string plist = makePListFile(plugin);
std.file.write(contentsDir ~ "/Info.plist", cast(void[])plist);

std.file.write(contentsDir ~ "/PkgInfo", cast(void[])makePkgInfo());

string exePath = macosDir ~ "/" ~;

if (arch == Arch.universalBinary)
string path32 = outputDirectory(dirName, osString, Arch.x86, compiler)
~ "/" ~ ~ ".vst/Contents/MacOS/";

string path64 = outputDirectory(dirName, osString, Arch.x64, compiler)
~ "/" ~ ~ ".vst/Contents/MacOS/";

writefln("*** Making an universal binary with lipo");

string cmd = format("lipo -create %s %s -output %s", path32, path64, exePath);
fileMove(plugin.outputFile, exePath);

bool hasDMD = compiler == Compiler.dmd || compiler == Compiler.all;
bool hasGDC = compiler == Compiler.gdc || compiler == Compiler.all;
bool hasLDC = compiler == Compiler.ldc || compiler == Compiler.all;

// DMD builds
if (hasDMD) buildAndPackage("dmd", archs);
if (hasGDC) buildAndPackage("gdc", archs);
if (hasLDC) buildAndPackage("ldc", archs);
catch(Exception e)
writefln("error: %s", e.msg);

void safeCommand(string cmd)
writefln("*** %s", cmd);
auto pid = spawnShell(cmd);
auto errorCode = wait(pid);
if (errorCode != 0)
throw new Exception(format("Command '%s' returned %s", cmd, errorCode));

void buildPlugin(string compiler, string build, bool is64b, bool verbose, bool force, bool combined)
if (compiler == "ldc")
compiler = "ldc2";

combined = true; // for -FPIC

writefln("*** Building with %s, %s arch", compiler, is64b ? "64-bit" : "32-bit");
// build the output file
string arch = is64b ? "x86_64" : "x86";

string cmd = format("dub build --build=%s --arch=%s --compiler=%s %s %s %s", build,arch,
force ? "--force" : "",
verbose ? "-v" : "",
combined ? "--combined" : "");

struct Plugin
string name; // name, extracted from dub.json
string ver; // version information
string outputFile; // result of build
string copyright; // Copyright information, copied in the bundle
string CFBundleIdentifier;

Plugin readDubDescription()
Plugin result;
auto dubResult = execute(["dub", "describe"]);

if (dubResult.status != 0)
throw new Exception(format("dub returned %s", dubResult.status));

import std.json;
JSONValue description = parseJSON(dubResult.output);

string mainPackage = description["mainPackage"].str;

foreach (pack; description["packages"].array())
string name = pack["name"].str;
if (name == mainPackage)
{ = name;
result.ver = pack["version"].str;
result.outputFile = pack["targetFileName"].str;

string copyright = pack["copyright"].str;

if (copyright == "")
throw new Exception("Your dub.json is missing a non-empty \"copyright\" field to put in Info.plist");
writeln("Warning: missing \"copyright\" field in dub.json");
result.copyright = copyright;

// Open dub.json directly to find keys that DUB doesn't bypass
JSONValue rawDubFile = parseJSON(cast(string)("dub.json")));

result.CFBundleIdentifier = rawDubFile["CFBundleIdentifier"].str;
catch(Exception e)
version (OSX)
throw new Exception("Your dub.json is missing a non-empty \"CFBundleIdentifier\" field to put in Info.plist");
writeln("Warning: missing \"CFBundleIdentifier\" field in dub.json");
return result;

string makePListFile(Plugin plugin)
string productName =;
string copyright = plugin.copyright;

string productVersion = "1.0.0";
string content = "";

content ~= `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>` ~ "\n";
content ~= `<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">` ~ "\n";
content ~= `<plist version="1.0">` ~ "\n";
content ~= ` <dict>` ~ "\n";

void addKeyString(string key, string value)
content ~= format(" <key>%s</key>\n <string>%s</string>\n", key, value);

addKeyString("CFBundleDevelopmentRegion", "English");

addKeyString("CFBundleGetInfoString", productVersion ~ ", " ~ copyright);
addKeyString("CFBundleIdentifier", plugin.CFBundleIdentifier);
addKeyString("CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion", "6.0");
addKeyString("CFBundlePackageType", "BNDL");
addKeyString("CFBundleShortVersionString", productVersion);
addKeyString("CFBundleSignature", "ABAB"); // doesn't matter
addKeyString("CFBundleVersion", productVersion);
addKeyString("LSMinimumSystemVersion", "10.7.0");
content ~= ` </dict>` ~ "\n";
content ~= `</plist>` ~ "\n";
return content;

string makePkgInfo()
return "BNDLABAB";

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