This version is a major overhaul that brings webAO closer to feature parity with the desktop client.
- Full evidence support
- Preanimation support
- UI for areas, background selection, courtroom position, and OOC name
- Call mod button
- Functional health bars
- Judge controls
Special webAO features:
- Flash and shake
- BBCode
- Automatic witness testimony interface (undocumented)
- Raw HTML can no longer be sent over IC
- Fix cases where the IC log would sometimes stop snapping to the bottom
Known issues:
- Clients still cannot send special Unicode characters, but they can receive
them correctly. - Shout animations run for longer than the GIF animation length.
- Preanims sometimes play when they are not supposed to.
- GoldenLayout panels cannot be dragged around for some reason.
- The chatbox does not automatically scroll down.
- When the game panel is maximized, the viewport should not exceed the size of
the game panel. - webAO uses jQuery now
Thanks to @Qubrick for showing that there is still hope in webAO.