Project Name: Server4recog Verion: 0.8 Git Repo.:
- A web service which provides pattern recognition interface through http GET/POST requests.
- JSON format input/output
- Group based sample management. This enable to treat several recognition tasks at the same server process.
- String format class ID.
OSX 10.9
% git clone
mongodb: 2.6.4
python: 2.7.8
python packages: execute following commands at the cloned directory.
% pip install -r packages_requirements.txt
rename 'myapp.conf.example' to 'myapp.conf' and edit the contents for your environment.
%cp myapp.conf.example myapp.conf
give write permission to ./classifiers directory (and files if exists).
%chmod 777 classifiers
%chmod 666 classifiers/*
- You can change the directory in myapp.conf setting.
At the serv4recog directory on a terminal, start up mongod.
% mongod --dbpath ./db
Then, start up the server on another terminal
% python
execute the test script.
% python script/
If you got recognition result without error, all the instlation processes completed. Congratulation!!
json_data: parameters dumped as a json-format string.
ml : fixed path name (you can not change).
my_db : name of database. You can use different name for each of your application.
my_feature : name of feature_type. You can use any string for each type of feature vector. (e.g. rgb_histogram, hu_moment, SIFT, et al.)
CAUTION: In your custome applications, '{' and ':' in URL string should be url-encoded!! Please check specification of the HTTP library used in your application.
sample has following parameters.
- feature: float array that contains feature vector
- ex) "feature":[0.1,0.9,0.3,0.7,0.5,0.5]
- id: sample ID
- ex) "id":"sample00001"
- ground_truth: teacher signal for this sample. (optional, but required as training sample.)
- ex) "ground_truth": "class001"
- likelihood: recognition results (only in output)
- ex) "likelihood:{"svc::${SELECTOR}":{"class001":0.9, "class002":0.1}}
- group: group tag that is used in ${SELECTOR}
- ex) "group":["group01","test_samples"]
Selector limits samples involved in the calculation.
- id: limit samples by its ID.
- ex) {"$or":[{"id":"sample00001"},{"id":"sample00002"}]}
- ground_truth: limit samples by its class
- ex) {"$or":[{"ground_truth":"class001"},{"ground_truth":"class002"}]}
- group: limit samples by its group
- ex) {"group":{"$all":["group01"]}}"
The format follows to pymongo. For more detail, please see online documentation
http://localhost:8080/ml/my_db/my_feature/svc/train?json_data={"overwrite":${BOOL}, ${CLASSIFIER-PARAMS}}
- svc: name of classifier. currently, only svc is supported.
- overwrite: overwrite previously trained classifier if true (optional)
- ex) http://localhost:8080/ml/my_db/my_feature/svc/train?json_data={"overwrite":"True", "option":{"kernel":"rbf"}, "name":"my_classifier"}
${CLASSIFIER-PARAMS} has following parameters.
- selector: limits training samples. (optional)
- ex) "selector":${SELECTOR}
- option: argument used in classifier training. (optional)
- ex) "option":${OPTION}
- serv4recog imprimented options
- pca: apply principle component analysis and compress feature vectors to N dimentions.
- sparse: convert feature vector to sparse vector (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix).
- classifier depending options
- class_remap: Class remapping by regular expression (for use with hierarchical ground truth labels.)
- ex) "class_remap":{"001":".*001","002":".*002"}
- name: Name of trained classifier data. This is used to identify the classifier at prediction. If name is set, "selector", "option", and "class_remap" can be abbreviated. (optional)
- ex) "name":"classifier20150622"
true or false
A hash identifying argment name and its value for training. For SVC, refer scikit-learn SVC page
http://localhost:8080/ml/my_db/my_feature/svc/predict?json_data={${SAMPLE}, ${CLASSIFIER-PARAMS}}
HTTP GET: http://localhost:8080/ml/my_db/my_feature/get_samples?json_data=${Selector}
- return sample IDs
HTTP GET: http://localhost:8080/ml/my_db/my_feature/get_sample_id?json_data={"id":"sample_id"}
http://localhost:8080/ml/my_db/my_feature/group?json_data={"selector":${SELECTOR}, "group":["selected_samples01"]}
We welocome new contributers. At first, please branch the project, edit it, and send us the editted branch!