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GettingStarted: SAMW25 Xplained Pro

Thibaut VIARD edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 1 revision

1. Prerequisites

To learn how to install this module, see HowTo - Install this module.

2. Prepare the board

2.1. Connect USB cable

Connect a micro USB cable from host computer to the USB Debug port of the kit, as described below:

Connect board to computer

2.2. Burn bootloader

Screenshot of burn bootloader

2.3. Compile and upload Blink sketch

Select blink example coming with SAMW25-XPRO package, this will open a new IDE window.

Screenshot of open blink sketch

Verify and Upload on board the sketch binary. At this point, you should see the board LED blinking.

3. SAMW25 Xplained Pro Arduino variant pinout

The onboard LED (LED0) can be used via various constants: PIN_LED_13, PIN_LED, PIN_LED0, LED_BUILTIN or D2

The onboard push button (SW0) can be used via various constants: PIN_BUTTON, PIN_SW0 or D3

SAMW25 Xplained Pro Arduino variant pinout

4. Moving forward

You can now either select an example from the ones listed in Examples submenu or create your own sketch/application.