my xmonad configuration
OS: Arch Linux
WM: XMonad
Bar: Xmobar
Prompt: XMonad Prompt
- Monospace: JetBrains Mono
- Icon Fonts:
Colorscheme: onedark (slightly changed)
Terminal: st
Shell: zsh
Clipboard Manager: greenclip
Editor: Neovim
Compositor: Picom
Image Preview: Sxiv
Wallpaper Setter: hsetroot
Screenshot: shotgun
Night Light: gammastep
Video Player: mpv
Notification Daemon: Dunst
Tray: Stalonetray
Lockscreen: i3lock-color + xss-lock
First you need
install it using your package manager or follow their installation guide to install it. -
Now clone the repo to
git clone ~/.config/xmonad
- After cloning it go to that dir
cd ~/.config/xmonad
and run
stack install
Note: This command creates a
executable file and moves it to~/.local/bin
. Make sure~/.local/bin
is added to your$PATH
- Recompile xmonad
xmonad --recompile
- Now you can start using xmonad. Start it using your
. By putting
exec xmonad
in your xinitrc
. By default xmonad recompiles on every login. If you don't want xmonad to recompile every time you start it then put
exec ~/.local/share/xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux
in your xinitrc
. It will use previously compiled binary to start xmonad.
Note: My xmonad config reads color & font from
. Here you can find my Xresources. Merge it usingxrdb -merge /path/to/Xresources
Some basic keybinds
Keybind | Function |
Super + Shift + Enter |
Launch terminal (st) |
Super + Shift + C |
Close window |
Super + [1..9] |
Switch workspaces |
Super + Shift + [1..9] |
Move focused window to certain workspace |
Super + P |
Open XMonad Prompt |
Super + B |
Toggle borders |
Super + G |
Toggle gaps (toggle to get screen space) |
Super + I |
Increase gaps |
Super + D |
Decrease gaps |
Super + J |
Navigate through windows |
Super + K |
Navigate through windows |
Super + Shift + B |
Ignore the bar |
Super + Space |
Switch through layouts |
Super + Shift + Space |
Reset to default layout |
Super + T |
Make a floating window tiled |
Super + Shift + T |
Tile all floating window |
Super + Shift + \ |
Show all keybinds (Requires. gxmessage ) |
Super + Q |
Reload xmonad |
Super + Shift + Q |
Exit xmonad |