Tool for receiving information about a TrackMania Nations Forever replay or challenge.
To use on a single file, run the following command:
python -f filename.gbx
This will work on a Gbx replay file or a Gbx challenge file.
To use on a directory, run the following command:
python -p PATH
('xml', '<header type="replay" version="TMr.7" exever="2.11.16"><challenge uid="jGE4w5ArkNSob027quREeX9RYm3"/><times best="55890" respawns="0" stuntscore="38" validable="1"/></header>')
('replay_timestamp', '0:00:55.890000')
('uid', 'jGE4w5ArkNSob027quREeX9RYm3')
('author_name', 'entropist')
('filename', 'example_replay (1).Gbx')
('environment', 'Stadium')
('gbx_type', 'replay')
('replay_type', 7)
('replay_time', 55890)
('replay_version', 2)
('nickname', 'Ghetto Wizard')
('login', 'atheuz')
('xml', '<header type="challenge" version="TMc.6" exever="2.11.26"><ident uid="WdqRMG5RDYTlleZx2LnD13nQ7Wi" name="SA5 - Eurotrash" author="entropist"/><desc envir="Stadium" mood="Day" type="Race" nblaps="0" price="1375" /><times bronze="62000" silver="50000" gold="45000" authortime="41200" authorscore="41200"/><deps><dep file="Skins\\Any\\Advertisement\\SignRight.bik"/><dep file="Skins\\Any\\Advertisement\\"/><dep file="Skins\\Any\\Advertisement\\"/><depfile="Skins\\Any\\Advertisement\\SignLeft.bik"/><dep file="Skins\\Any\\Advertisement\\"/><dep file="Skins\\Any\\Advertisement\\SignUp.bik"/></deps></header>')
('uid', 'WdqRMG5RDYTlleZx2LnD13nQ7Wi')
('gold', 45000)
('author', 41200)
('copper_price', 1375)
('track_type', 0)
('mood_name', 'Day')
('filename', 'example_challenge (3).Gbx')
('author_name', 'entropist')
('environment', 'Stadium')
('track_name', 'SA5 - Eurotrash')
('author_score', 41200)
('gbx_type', 'challenge')
('challenge_version', 6)
('multi_lap', 0)
('silver', 50000)
('bronze', 62000)
And it will create a thumbnail in the 'output' directory.
In this scenario it will create an csvfile with the trackname as the filename. In the csvfile it will in descending order list the replay author along with the replay time and nothing more:
Ghetto Wizard,32610
Ghetto Wizard,32690
Ghetto Wizard,32710
Ghetto Wizard,32760
Ghetto Wizard,32840
Ghetto Wizard,32870
Ghetto Wizard,33120
Ghetto Wizard,33320
Ghetto Wizard,33470
Ghetto Wizard,33590
Ghetto Wizard,34240
Ghetto Wizard,34660
Ghetto Wizard,34730
Ghetto Wizard,35040
In this scenario it will create thumbnails for the challenges and nothing more.