fontname is a lib for reading and decoding quirk encoded name records from OpenType fonts.
It is adept at dealing with CJK fonts and has been tested on over 10000 fonts.
pip install fontname
fontname requires Python 3.7 and above.
>>> import fontname
>>> fontname.get_display_names("msyh.ttc")
'微软雅黑 & Microsoft Yahei UI'
>>> from fontTools import ttLib
>>> tt = ttLib.TTFont("MO-UDShinGoSCGb4-Bol.otf")
>>> fontname.decode_name(tt['name'].names[19])
('森泽UD新黑 Gb4 B', <IssueLevel.MARK: 1>, 'x_mac_simp_chinese_ttx')
>>> tt.close()
>>> tt = ttLib.TTFont("恅隋棉埴潠翷.ttf")
>>> fontname.decode_name(tt['name'].names[4])
('文鼎新艺体简', <IssueLevel.DATA: 2>, None)
>>> tt.close()
fontname is licensed under the MIT license.