A powerful and robust Python library built from the ground up for interacting with Lavalink.
The aim of this library was to provide a wrapper for lavalink when using discord.py. Before I started development, I was using a library called Wavelink, however, once it became archived I decided to start development on this library to not only improve my own skills but to help others with the same problem.
However, now my interest has started to falter. I have lost the drive to continue maintaining this library for a number of reasons: the code isn't PEP 8 compliant unlike my newer projects and the code is hard to maintain in its current form. But the most important reason is that there is now a large number of alternative libraries which do this specific purpose much better than this library including but not limited to: Wavelink, Pomice, and Pycord.Wavelink.
Henceforth, I have made the decision to stop maintaining this library and leave it dormant. I won't archive it as I may recover the drive I had when starting this project later on, but for now, the library is now inactive.
Lavapy requires Python 3.8 or higher
To install Lavapy, use one of the commands below:
# Windows
py -3.8 -m pip install -U lavapy
# Linux/macOS
python3.8 -m pip install -U lavapy
Then you need to setup the Lavalink server. For more details visit the faq.
Now all of that is done, you can start using Lavapy.
A simple and easy example to connect to a voice channel and play a Youtube song based on a given search query.
from discord.ext import commands
import lavapy
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
async def initialiseNodes():
Wait until the bot is ready then create a Lavapy node
await bot.wait_until_ready()
await lavapy.NodePool.createNode(client=bot,
async def play(ctx: commands.Context, *query) -> None:
Play a Youtube song from a given search query.
If the bot is not connected, connect it to the user's voice channel. For this
to work, the user must be connected to a voice channel
if not ctx.voice_client:
# Bot is not connected to a voice channel
player: lavapy.Player = await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect(cls=lavapy.Player)
except AttributeError:
# User is not connected to a voice channel
await ctx.channel.send("You must be connected to a voice channel")
# Bot is connected to a voice channel
player: lavapy.Player = ctx.voice_client
# Get tracks based on the given search query
track = await lavapy.YoutubeTrack.search(" ".join(query), player.node)
await player.play(track)