This page is a portfolio which consists of all the different projects that I implement. The three projects present in the portfolio are all made using HTML and styled using CSS.
The first project is 'User Registration Form'. This form is a login page for a learning site named as 'CodersWorld'. This form uses flex-box to align the content side by side. It also provides an option to login through some of the social media sites.
The second project is 'Profile Page'. This is my personal profile page ehich consists of my professional and some personal information. This page is designed using various CSS styles such as flex-box and pseudo classes.
The third project is 'Raw Engineering: Careers Page'. This is the replica of the official 'Raw Engineering: Careers' page. It uses grid-area for the designing of header, grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns to design footer. The main content is designed by using grid for the collage of images and the flex-box is used for the content below it.
All these pages are made resposive using media queries.
Given below is the live link for my portfolio page.