The goal of this is excercise is to give us some code to talk about in a face to face interview. We're not looking for a specific approach or functionality. A more complete system doesn't mean it's better designed.
To write an implementation for an elevator to service requests
- Create implementations for
- Bind the implimentatons using Ninject (
The elevator should now run using the existing code
- When running the console application the elevator should move between floors servicing requests
- If any modifications are needed to the runner then feel free to make them. This isn't a perfect system
- Add people to the list to test different scenarios
The elevator is considered complete when it can move people from their initial floor to their desired floor
- An elevator can serve as many requests in one direction as it can before going the other way
- An elevator can be called to any floor at any time, but it need not immediately service that request
- Requests for the elevator to go in the opposite direction of travel for the elevator can be ignored until the elevator is traveling in that direction
- Any other changes you'd make to the system
- Display waiting people on a floor and/or people in the elevator