Wrapper around the cld3 library compiled with Clang.
- Clone this repository
docker build . -t node-cld3:node
docker run --rm -it node-cld3:node
Error: /build/build/Release/cld3.node: undefined symbol: _ZNK6google8protobuf11MessageLite25InitializationErrorStringB5cxx11Ev
docker build -f debian.Dockerfile . -t node-cld3:debian
docker run --rm -it node-cld3:debian
Error: /build/build/Release/cld3.node: undefined symbol: _ZNK6google8protobuf11MessageLite25InitializationErrorStringB5cxx11Ev
docker build -f manjaro.Dockerfile . -t node-cld3:manjaro
docker run --rm -it node-cld3:manjaro
- Ensure you are using Node.js >= 18
- Install and compile
npm install
- Run the tests
npm run test