Link to the deployed sample application: radarin0. Note that sometimes it can take a while to load because Heroku in the free plan, takes the containers to sleep when they are not used for some time and taking them up takes time.
If you want to execute the project you will need git, Node.js and npm and Docker. Make sure the three of them are installed in your system. Download the project with git clone
. The fastest way to launch everything is with docker:
docker-compose up --build
This will create two docker images as they don't exist in your system (the webapp and the restapi) and launch a mongo container database. It will also launch Prometheus and Grafana containers to monitor the webservice. You should be able to access everything from here:
- Webapp - http://localhost:3000
- Docs - http://localhost:3000/docs
- RestApi example call - http://localhost:5000/api/users/list
- RestApi raw metrics - http://localhost:5000/metrics
- Prometheus server - http://localhost:9090
- Grafana server http://localhost:9091
If you want to run it without docker (even though you still need docker to run the mongo db database):
cd restapi
mkdir data
sudo docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -v `pwd`/data:/data/db mongo
Compile and run the web app:
cd webapp
npm install
npm start
Now the webservice:
cd restapi
npm install
npm start
You should be able to access the application in http://localhost:3000 and the documentation in http://localhost:3000/docs