This project involves a motion-planning robot simulated in the Gazebo environment. The robot is equipped with a camera that uses template matching to identify and locate specific objects within the environment. Once an object is identified, the robot navigates toward it.
- MoveIt Integration: The project leverages the MoveIt Assistant for motion planning and control, ensuring smooth and efficient movements.
- Motion Planning: Once an object is recognized, the robot plans and executes a path to approach the object.
- Command Interface: Users can interact with the robot via a simple text prompt interface. For example, typing "rubik" will command the robot to locate and move towards a Rubik's cube.
- Template Matching: The robot's camera uses template matching to identify objects in the environment.
- ROS (Robot Operating System) installed.
- Gazebo simulator installed.
- MoveIt installed and configured.
- Python 3.6+ or equivalent for running the command interface.
- OpenCV library for object detection
- Clone this repository:
git clone cd arm_gazebo_with_camera
- Install dependencies:
Ensure ROS Noetic and Gazebo 11 are already installed on your system.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-moveit sudo apt install ros-noetic-rviz sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-control ros-noetic-ros-controllers
- add these lines to your .bashrc
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/ControlArm/src/robot_arm_urdf/models:${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH} export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/ControlArm/src/robot_arm_urdf/worlds:${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}
- Build the ROS workspace:
catkin_make source devel/setup.bash
Launch the Gazebo simulation:
roslaunch arm6 full_RvizGazebo.launch
Run the command interface for 'vision' package:
rosrun vision
After that, run the following command to move the robot to the desired object:
rosrun arm6
Send a command (name of object):
- Type the name of the object you want the robot to locate, including
and press Enter. - The robot will identify the object using template matching, plan a path, and move towards it.
- Type the name of the object you want the robot to locate, including
- Template Matching: The cropped template images used for object recognition can be found
. You can modify or replace these images to recognize different objects. - Motion Planning: Adjust the motion planning parameters in the MoveIt configuration files to tweak the robot's movement behavior.
- Object Positions: You can change the positions of the objects within the simulation by editing the world.sdf file. This file contains the definitions for the objects in the Gazebo world, allowing you to adjust their initial placement as needed.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or new features.
- Armin Attarzadeh
- Kianoush Abbaslou
- Spring 2024