4State is a two-player game based on a board game named 'L'attaque' or 'The Attack'. 4State is a board game based on a game I bought while in France, originally named 'L'attaque' or 'The Attack' in English. It's almost like a complicated version of tic-tac-toe, with a 4 by 4 grid and pieces that have multiple qualities or 'states' as I have called them. Although it is not currently finished, it should be available soon, and I update the Unity project files as I go along.
There are four main qualities in the game, each with its own counterpart.
In the original game, these were:
- Tall | Short
- White | Black
- Square | Circle
- Flat | Hollowed
Each piece would consist of these four qualities or their counterparts, creating 16 distinct pieces. For example, you could have a Tall, Black, Square, Hollowed piece or a Short, Black, Circle, Flat piece. Basic math shows us that there are two possibilities for each quality, which is 2x2x2x2 or 2^4, which is 16 different pieces.
The game is very simple, and each step is repeated until the game is won. Name the first player A and the second B.
The steps are as follows:
- Player B selects an available piece for player A.
- Player A then places this on an empty square on the 4 by 4 grid.
- This continues until a player places a winning piece or the whole grid is filled.
The aim of the game is to get four in a row of the same quality. For example, one player might get four tall pieces in a row, so they would win.
As the game is not currently finished, no documentation or installation info has been added, but as soon as a working version has been completed, all instructions will be added.