Parse chords sheets for guitar and ukulele in Elm!
elm install Arkham/elm-chords
Here's an example of what you could do:
import Html exposing (Html)
import Chords exposing (Chord, Voicing)
import Chords.Chart
import Instruments.Guitar as Guitar
chords : List String
chords =
[ "Am"
, "E"
, "C"
, "Dm7"
, "G"
, "F"
, "A#"
, "C#"
view : Html msg
view =
Html.div []
(\name ->
( name, Chords.parseChord name )
(\( name, result ) ->
case result of
Ok chord ->
viewChord chord
Err err ->
Html.span []
[ Html.text ("Could not parse " ++ name)
viewChord : Chord -> Html msg
viewChord chord =
config =
{ tuning = Guitar.defaultTuning
, numFrets = 10
name =
Chords.toString chord
case Guitar.voicings config chord of
[] ->
Html.span []
[ Html.text
("Could not find voicing for chord " ++ name)
first :: rest ->
Chords.Chart.view name first
This will parse the chords, generate some voicings and display the charts. You should see something like this!
If you'd like to use Ukulele instead, import Instruments.Ukulele
and use
it in the same way!
Pull the repo and run elm-test