It's not because we use netrw that we cannot have nice things! This plugin adds a layer of ✨bling✨ and configuration to your favorite file explorer.
- Print file icons in the sign column
- Configure custom actions with keybinds
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
- nvim-web-devicons (optional)
- A patched font (optional)
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
Plug 'prichrd/netrw.nvim'
use 'prichrd/netrw.nvim'
Enable the plugin:
-- Put your configuration here, or leave the object empty to take the default
-- configuration.
icons = {
symlink = '', -- Symlink icon (directory and file)
directory = '', -- Directory icon
file = '', -- File icon
use_devicons = true, -- Uses nvim-web-devicons if true, otherwise use the file icon specified above
mappings = {}, -- Custom key mappings
Custom key mappings:
-- your config ...
-- Define normal mode mapping
mappings = {
-- Function mappings
['p'] = function(payload)
-- Payload is an object describing the node under the cursor, the object
-- has the following keys:
-- - dir: the current netrw directory (vim.b.netrw_curdir)
-- - node: the name of the file or directory under the cursor
-- - link: the referenced file if the node under the cursor is a symlink
-- - extension: the file extension if the node under the cursor is a file
-- - type: the type of node under the cursor (0 = dir, 1 = file, 2 = symlink)
-- - col: the column of the node (for liststyle 3)
-- String command mappings
['<Leader><Tab>'] = ":echo 'string command'<CR>",
-- more mappings ...
-- your config ...
The plugin documentation can be found at doc/netrw.nvim.txt. You can also use the :help netrw.nvim command inside of Neovim.
This project accepts contributions. Feel free to open issues for questions, feature ideas, bugs, etc.
Before submitting a PR, make sure you run make lint
with stylua
and luacheck