TwTTbl Stand for Tree with a Taxonomic Table, this program uses a already made phylogenetic tree to add symbolism to the names automatically so that one does not need to parse the treefile on their own
Tree before interpretations
Tree after interpretation
This program parses the tree in a Nexus format and changes all the bootstrap values (assumes that the bootstrap has one NJ-bootstrap and one Bayesian/Likelyhood ratio value) to a format where all values less than 70 turn to "*".
Value: 24.5/77 -> "*/ " Value: 88/77 -> "" Value: 24.5/18.8-> "*/*" Value: 100/48.8-> " /*"
The text is changed to a monospaced font and needs align labels enabled to represent the table in a readable way so that the collumns in the names are aligned
The data.txt file is for a preview of the format that the taxonomic groups have to be outside of your phylogenetic tree for the program to work properly