Fire Lists & Grids with sliver widgets available. Uses fire_api for Firestore access, and fire_crud for the CRUD operations. Be sure to set those up first.
First make sure you setup fire_crud in your project with your data models before continuing. You also may want to familiarize yourself with pylon as well.
import 'package:fire_crud_flutter/fire_crud_flutter.dart';
Data views stream a model from firestore and provide a pylon. In these examples we will be using context.user or This assumes you have made an extension class which simply does User get user => pylon(); which just routes to context.pylon().
id: "theUserId"
builder: (context) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text(,
Model lists stream a list of models from firestore and provide a pylon for each entry. These lists only stream a small subsection of the list at a time and retarget depending on where the list is currently building. For small lists that never blow up in size, you could use a ModelColumn instead.
query: (q) => q.where("age", isGreaterThan: 18),
builder: (context) => ListTile(
title: Text(,
Because Pylon is used behind the scenes, you can access a model by type alone, the parent model id is found by looking up the context for a previous data provider.
NOTE: This assumes that the "Note" model is in the "notes" collection inside each "User" model (defined in firecrud) such that:
- User (eg users/USERID)
- Note (eg users/USERID/notes/NOTEID)
class MainScreen extends StatelessWidget{
const MainScreen({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) => ModelList<User>(
builder: (context) => ListTile(
title: Text(,
onTap: () => Pylon.push(context, UserScreen())
class UserScreen extends StatelessWidget{
const UserScreen({super.key});
// Implicitly gets the user model from the context and uses it
Widget build(BuildContext context) => ModelList<Note>(
builder: (context) => ListTile(
title: Text(context.note.title),
onTap: () => Pylon.push(context, NoteScreen())
class NoteScreen extends StatelessWidget{
const NoteScreen({super.key});
// You dont need the model view unless you need to live stream this note
// Otherwise you can still access the list entry from the previous screen unchanged
// Note: We arent defining an id here because its obvious. We're telling ModelView to
// implicitly find the note model from the context then re-stream it to get updates.
Widget build(BuildContext context) => ModelView<Note>(
builder: (context) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text(context.note.title)),