Coq formalization of Symbolic Execution Formally Explained.
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- BasicConcrete formalizes section 2. Basic symbolic execution for simple arithmetic and boolean expression with integer valuations.
- Recursion formalizes 3. Recursion – an extension of the basic language with procedure calls.
- OOP contains an incomplete formalization of 4. Object orientation.
The approach to syntax and transition relation semantics is based on Programming Language Foundations
- Trace Semantics introduces trace semantics for the language with procedures
- Parallel Traces adds a parallel composition operator to the base language with trace semantics.
Additionally contains some preliminary results about reduction of trace sets.
- The base language with a parallel operator is in Parallel
- Context Reduction contains an alternative approach to syntax based on reductions in a context inspired by Mechanized Semantics
- Partial Order Reduction formalizes partial order reduction of symbolic execution in the context reduction style
- Some examples of programs and their traces with and without POR are found in examples
- Program Logics contains some notes on program logics for Parallel. In particular the DL from sympaths and Einar's simple parallel logic
- PLACES contains a talk proposal to PLACES 2023