mlb-db is a web app for accessing Major League Baseball (MLB) team and player profiles and statistics.
Uses Sean Lahman Baseball Database. The latest version of this database has stats from 1871 - 2013.
Built with Bootstrap 3/Node.js/MongoDB
Design leveraged from architecture and components in Single Page Web Applications
See what the app looks like mlb-db
##Design Architecture
###Front End
UI - Bootstrap 3
Namespacing - Single global: spa
- spa.shell.js - controller/router , initializes all modules
- spa.player.js - model and view for player list, player profiles and player stats
- spa.team.js - model and view for team list, team profiles and team stats
- spa.autoc_search.js - model and view for auto-complete search (for desktop)
- spa.search.js - model and view for search feature (for phones & tablets)
- spa.pagination.js - pagination for player and team list views
- Handlebars.js is used for templating. Templates are in separate files
loaded at startup, compiled and stored and cached.
####MVC architecture
This design doesn't implement separate model/view functionality but does feature
a controller/router module.(spa.shell.js)
Initializes all modules Handles URI hashchange events triggered by model/view modules to
trigger DB requests -
All views (player list, team list etc.) are bookmarkable.
####Other Features:
- auto-complete search
- pagination support using jquery.jqpagination jQuery plugin
###Back End
Node 0.10.x/Express 3.2.x MongoDB 2.6.x/mongodb Native driver 1.3.x
- mongoimport used to import csv database files to collections
- Uses mongodb aggregation framework for some queries (ex. player career stats)
- Indexes are created on several mongoDB collections (db-config.js)
- Use res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=xxxx');
to cache static files and database responses.
###Cloud Hosting