180037T - T.Apisaruthan, 180055V - B.A.D.S .Bamunusinghe, 180170T - Fernando D.J.T, 180539J - T.S.Rathnayake, 180613G - M.Sobikanth
University - university of moratuwa Department - Electrical Department Batch - 18
couldn't embed the video since the file size is big, so here we add a google drive link for the video link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dw_TqLwlOZQx9ra62796L-lvZIC_y-M8/view?usp=share_link
The below features are newly added to the existing ancestry example
This function is used to destroy the previous designs of previous project
BMI prime (BMI') is a modification of the traditional Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation that adjusts for differences in body composition between individuals. BMI prime can be a useful tool for assessing an individual's risk for health problems related to obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
This added Feature helps to identify the healthy persons from the family.
This feature will go through each person and find who are the people that have similar hobbies as that person And reports it to the terminal