Backup scripts to archive files inside and outside repository directories separately.
Tested working with:
- Windows 10
- Cygwin 3.5.3-1.x86_64
- Cygwin find.exe (Package findutils 4.9.0-1)
- Cygwin test.exe (Package coreutils 9.0-1)
- Cygwin grep.exe (Package grep 3.11-1)
- Git for Windows 2.45.0
- 7-Zip for Windows 24.01
The directory to archive contains many repository directories (each of which containing a .git
directory), as well as many other files outside these repository directories like documents and notes. To archive the whole directory is slow because these repository directories contain many small files, and may contain directories named build
, Build
, dist
, Dist
, debug
, Debug
, release
, Release
, target
, Target
, node_modules
, __pycache__
which are unwanted for a backup.
To archive the directory in the scenario stated above, we archive files inside and outside repository directories separately.
For files inside repository directories, archive only the .git
directory. It contains blob files so is fast to archive.
This can be achieved by first using Cygwin find.exe
to find out all the .git
directories and then feed their paths to 7z.exe
, e.g.:
DEL /F /Q D:\Data.7z 2>NUL
SET PATH=D:\Software\7-Zip;D:\Software\Cygwin\bin;%PATH%
find.exe "." -type "d" "(" -name "build" -o -name "Build" -o -name "dist" -o -name "Dist" -o -name "debug" -o -name "Debug" -o -name "release" -o -name "Release" -o -name "target" -o -name "Target" -o -name "node_modules" -o -name "__pycache__" ")" -prune -o -type "d" -name ".git" -exec "7z.exe" "-mx0" "-spf" "a" "D:\Data.7z" "{}" "+"
stops descending into unwanted directories.-mx0
sets compression level to 0.-spf
keeps the path prefix.
For files outside repository directories, archive all of them but exclude unwanted directories.
This can be achieved by using 7z.exe
's exclude filters, e.g.:
SET PATH=D:\Software\7-Zip;%PATH%
7z.exe -mx0 -spf -xr!"build" -xr!"Build" -xr!"dist" -xr!"Dist" -xr!"debug" -xr!"Debug" -xr!"release" -xr!"Release" -xr!"target" -xr!"Target" -xr!"node_modules" -xr!"__pycache__" -xr!"repo*" -xr!".git" a "D:\Data.7z" "."
DEL /F /Q D:\Data.7z 2>NUL
is not run because we want to add to the existing archive file.-mx0
sets compression level to 0.-spf
keeps the path prefix.
Notice the command above excludes repository directories the name of which matching wildcard repo*
. This assumes the convention of naming all repository directories with a repo
prefix. Without this convention, there is no way to exclude repository directories in 7z.exe
's exclude filters. Although it is possible to use find.exe
to filter and feed wanted paths to 7z.exe
, like the command below does, it is much slower due to the fact that, as limited by the command length, 7z.exe
will be run many times.
SET PATH=D:\Software\7-Zip;D:\Software\Cygwin\bin;%PATH%
find.exe "." -type "d" "(" -name "build" -o -name "Build" -o -name "dist" -o -name "Dist" -o -name "debug" -o -name "Debug" -o -name "release" -o -name "Release" -o -name "target" -o -name "Target" -o -name "node_modules" -o -name "__pycache__" ")" -prune -o -type "d" -exec "test.exe" -d "{}/.git" ";" -prune -o -type "f" -exec "7z.exe" "-mx0" "-spf" "a" "D:\Data.7z" "{}" "+"
- This works but is much slower.
stops descending into unwanted directories.-mx0
sets compression level to 0.-spf
keeps the path prefix.
The backup scripts aoik_backup_git.bat
and aoik_backup_dir.bat
provided in this repository basically implement the backup strategy stated above.
Besides, they provide the following features to facilitate the backup process:
- Before archiving, run
git add -A
to add all unindexed files to git index, to avoid them being omitted. - Before archiving, run
git commit -m _MSG_
to commit all changes, to avoid them being omitted. - Before archiving, run
git fsck --full
,git reflog expire --expire=now --all
, andgit gc --prune=now
to delete commits unreachable from all the branches or tags, and to compress files in the.git
directory. - When an old archive file with the same name exists, rename it by adding a name postfix to it. After creating the new archive file finished with success, delete the renamed old archive file. If creating the new archive file finished with failure, the renamed old archive file is kept.
- Abort immediately when any backup step fails, to avoid failure messages being overlooked.
CD AoikBackup\src
aoik_backup_git.bat --help 2>NUL
aoik_backup_git.bat _OPTIONS_
`_SRC_DIR_` is the path of the repository directory, which contains a `.git` directory, to archive.
`_ARCHIVE_FILE_` is the path of the archive file to be created.
If `_ARCHIVE_FILE_` is empty, archiving is not performed but other tasks specified by options like `--git-add=1`, `--git-commit=1`, `--git-gc=1` may be performed.
`_GIT_EXE_` is the path of the `git.exe` executable.
The default is relative path `git.exe` thus requires `_GIT_ROOT_\bin` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
Whether to run `git add` before archiving.
The default is 0.
Effective only if `--git-commit=1`.
Whether to run `git commit` before archiving.
The default is 0.
`git commit` requires `` and `` to be configured in `.gitconfig`.
`git.exe` usually looks for `.gitconfig` in Windows' user home directory, but if `aoik_backup_git.bat` is run by a Cygwin program like `find.exe`, which is the case in `aoik_backup_dir.bat`, `git.exe` looks for `.gitconfig` in Cygwin's user home directory.
`_GIT_COMMIT_MSG_` is the git commit message.
Effective only if `--git-commit=1`.
Whether to run `git fsck --full`, `git reflog expire --expire=now --all` and `git gc --prune=now` before archiving.
This deletes commits unreachable from all the branches or tags, and compresses files in the `.git` directory.
The default is 0.
`_7Z_EXE_` is the path of the `7z.exe` executable.
The default is relative path `7z.exe` thus requires `_7Z_ROOT_` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
`_7Z_OPTS_` is the options passed to the `7z.exe` executable.
The default is none.
Whether to move an existing archive file by adding a name postfix to it.
The default is 0.
Whether to delete a moved existing archive file after the archiving finished with success.
If the archiving finished with failure, the moved existing archive file is kept.
The default is 0.
Effective only if `--old-move=1`.
The name postfix added to an existing archive file to be moved.
The default is `.old`.
Effective only if `--old-move=1`.
Do a dry run to show parsed options and determined variables.
Show help.
Show version.
CD AoikBackup\src
aoik_backup_dir.bat --help 2>NUL
aoik_backup_dir.bat _OPTIONS_
`_SRC_DIR_` is the path of the directory to archive.
`_ARCHIVE_FILE_` is the path of the archive file to be created.
The backup mode:
`7Z`: run `7z.exe` directly.
`FIND_7Z`: run `find.exe` and feed the paths found to `7z.exe`.
`FIND_GIT_7Z`: run `find.exe` to search for `.git` directories and feed the paths found to `7z.exe`.
The default is `7Z`.
`_FIND_EXE_` is the path of the Cygwin `find.exe` executable.
Not to be confused with `C:\Windows\System32\find.exe`.
The default is relative path `find.exe` thus requires `_CYGWIN_ROOT_\bin` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_7Z|FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`_FIND_OPTS_` is the options passed to the Cygwin `find.exe` executable.
The default is none except for the hardcoded options.
If `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`, `_FIND_OPTS_` is prepended to the first `find.exe` command's hardcoded options `-type "d" -exec "test.exe" "-d" "{}/.git"`, and to the second `find.exe` command's hardcoded options `-type "d" -name ".git"`.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_7Z|FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`_TEST_EXE_` is the path of the Cygwin `test.exe` executable.
The default is relative path `test.exe` thus requires `_CYGWIN_ROOT_\bin` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`_GREP_EXE_` is the path of the Cygwin `grep.exe` executable.
The default is relative path `grep.exe` thus requires `_CYGWIN_ROOT_\bin` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`_GIT_EXE_` is the path of the `git.exe` executable.
The default is relative path `git.exe` thus requires `_GIT_ROOT_\bin` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`.
Whether to run `git add` before archiving.
The default is 0.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z` and `--git-commit=1`.
Whether to run `git commit` before archiving.
The default is 0.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`git commit` requires `` and `` to be configured in `.gitconfig`.
`aoik_backup_dir.bat` runs Cygwin's `find.exe`, which runs `aoik_backup_git.bat`, which runs `git.exe`.
In this case, `git.exe` looks for `.gitconfig` in Cygwin's user home directory, not Windows' user home directory.
`_GIT_COMMIT_MSG_` is the git commit message.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z` and `--git-commit=1`.
Whether to run `git fsck --full`, `git reflog expire --expire=now --all` and `git gc --prune=now` before archiving.
This deletes commits unreachable from all the branches or tags, and compresses files in the `.git` directory.
The default is 0.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`_AOIK_BACKUP_GIT_BAT_` is the path of the `aoik_backup_git.bat` executable.
The default is relative path `aoik_backup_git.bat`.
Effective only if `--mode=FIND_GIT_7Z`.
`_7Z_EXE_` is the path of the `7z.exe` executable.
The default is relative path `7z.exe` thus requires `_7Z_ROOT_` to be in environment variable `PATH`.
`_7Z_OPTS_` is the options passed to the `7z.exe` executable.
The default is none except for the hardcoded options.
`_7Z_OPTS_` is prepended to the hardcoded options `-spf`.
Whether to move an existing archive file by adding a name postfix to it.
The default is 0.
Whether to delete a moved existing archive file after the archiving finished with success.
If the archiving finished with failure, the moved existing archive file is kept.
The default is 0.
Effective only if `--old-move=1`.
The name postfix added to an existing archive file to be moved.
The default is `.old`.
Effective only if `--old-move=1`.
Do a dry run to show parsed options and determined variables.
Show help.
Show version.
Archive a repository directory which contains a .git
SET PATH=D:\Software\Git\bin;D:\Software\7-Zip;%PATH%
CD AoikBackup\src
aoik_backup_git.bat --src="D:\Data\repo" --dst="D:\repo.7z" --git-add=1 --git-commit=1 --git-gc=1 --old-move=1 --old-move-del=1 --7z-opts="-mx0"
deletes commits unreachable from all the branches or tags, and compresses files in the.git
directory. Use it only if the effect is well understood.-mx0
sets compression level to 0.- It runs faster without
--git-add=1 --git-commit=1 --git-gc=1
Archive .git
directories under D:\Data
SET PATH=D:\Software\Git\bin;D:\Software\7-Zip;D:\Software\Cygwin\bin;%PATH%
CD AoikBackup\src
aoik_backup_dir.bat --src="D:\Data" --dst="D:\Data.7z" --mode="FIND_GIT_7Z" --find-opts="-type d ( -name build -o -name Build -o -name dist -o -name Dist -o -name debug -o -name Debug -o -name release -o -name Release -o -name target -o -name Target -o -name node_modules -o -name __pycache__ ) -prune -o" --git-add=1 --git-commit=1 --git-gc=1 --old-move=1 --old-move-del=1 --7z-opts="-mx0"
stops descending into unwanted directories.--git-gc=1
deletes commits unreachable from all the branches or tags, and compresses files in the.git
directory. Use it only if the effect is well understood.-mx0
sets compression level to 0.- It runs faster without
--git-add=1 --git-commit=1 --git-gc=1
Archive files under D:\Data
that are outside repository directories.
SET PATH=D:\Software\7-Zip;%PATH%
CD AoikBackup\src
aoik_backup_dir.bat --src="D:\Data" --dst="D:\Data.7z" --mode="7Z" --7Z-opts="-mx0 -xr!build -xr!Build -xr!dist -xr!Dist -xr!debug -xr!Debug -xr!release -xr!Release -xr!target -xr!Target -xr!node_modules -xr!__pycache__ -xr!repo* -xr!.git"
--old-move=1 --old-move-del=1
is not used because we want to add to the existing archive file.-mx0
sets compression level to 0.